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Unlike in America, Brazil’s President Unequivocally Calls Insurrectionists “Fascists”

After an attack on several government buildings, Brazil’s new president wasted no time and promised to hold the fascists accountable.

Security forces arrest dozens of supporters of Brazilian former President Jair Bolsonaro who invaded Planalto Presidential Palace in Brasilia, leading them out of the building.
Security forces arrest supporters of Brazilian former President Jair Bolsonaro after they invaded Planalto Presidential Palace in Brasília on January 8.

Supporters of former far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro attacked the nation’s Supreme Court, Congress, and presidential palace in hordes on Sunday. And Brazil’s government—led by new President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva—has minced no words on the attack.

Lula excoriated the “barbarism in Brasília,” calling the rioters “fascists, the most abominable thing in politics.” He then signed an edict mobilizing federal forces to intervene in the havoc.

“I wanted to tell you that all the people who did this will be found and punished,” Lula said as he signed the decree. “These people have to be punished, and we are going to find out who financed these vandals that went to Brasília, and they will all pay with the force of the law for this irresponsible gesture, this anti-democratic gesture, this gesture of vandals and fascists.”

And the decree is already in motion.

While the January 8 riot has drawn comparisons to the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, one clear distinction is that the former has prompted both clear-eyed identification of who the culprits were—not just protesters or rioters but fascists—and an immediate effort to bring said fascists to justice. While hundreds have already been apprehended in Brazil in less than 24 hours, it took twice as long for the United States to charge 53 people.

It’s barely been a day, so it’s too early to completely evaluate Brazil’s efforts to hold the fascist rioters accountable. But the response thus far appears promising, and it is not just directed at individual rioters but also the systems that have directed them.

“We are going to find out who the financiers of these vandals who went to Brasília are, and they will all pay with the force of law,” Lula said, suggesting that the rioters were linked to the illegal logging, mining, and cattle ranching interests that pushed for the rampant deforestation that occurred under Bolsonaro’s reign.

The attackers acted on a fascist impulse to defend who they falsely see as their rightful ruler: a man who said he was committed to the transfer of power but refused to explicitly concede the election. Lula called it as it was, vigorously shutting down the fascist impulse and holding fast to the alternative politics he was duly elected to carry out.

Brazilian Lawmaker Urges Foreign Ministry to Begin Extradition of Bolsonaro From Florida

After his supporters attacked government buildings in Brazil, calls are growing for Jair Bolsonaro to be extradited back home.

Andressa Anholete/Getty Images
Former President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro

A Brazilian lawmaker requested Monday that the Foreign Ministry begin the extradition of Jair Bolsonaro from the United States over the attack on Brazil’s government.

Supporters of the far-right former leader invaded and trashed several government buildings in Brasília over the weekend, in an attack that felt frighteningly reminiscent of the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Bolsonaro, who spent New Year’s Eve at former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, is still in Florida. He checked into a hospital earlier Monday with severe abdominal pain.

Erika Hilton, one of the first two openly transgender people elected to the National Congress of Brazil, formally requested that Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira begin the extradition process for Bolsonaro due to “serious events and attacks on the powers of the Federative Republic of Brazil.”

She slammed the riot as the work of “extremist groups” supporting the former president.

Several Democratic officials have also called for Bolsonaro to be extradited, including Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Joaquin Castro.

Bolsonaro is already at the center of four criminal probes in Brazil for accusations of fraud and abuse of power. The allegations include using the federal police to protect his sons and spreading baseless claims that the October election—which he lost to leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva—was fraudulent.

A veteran, Bolsonaro has often been dubbed the “Tropical Trump” and is an outspoken admirer of the former U.S. leader. The similarities between the two men, particularly in the run-up to Brazil’s election, have been overwhelming. In addition to spreading disinformation and now the attack by his supporters, Bolsonaro also has not formally conceded and skipped his successor’s inauguration.

The Dangerous Concessions Kevin McCarthy Made to Become House Speaker

The House is set to vote on a new rules package with several provisions that cater to the far right. Here’s what’s in the proposal.

Nathan Howard/Getty Images

The House of Representatives votes later Monday on a new package of operating rules that includes chilling changes that could seriously damage the United States.

Kevin McCarthy was elected speaker of the House after 15 hellish votes, during which he made concession after concession to the farthest-right members of the chamber. The rules package for 2023 looks very different because of that.

Some moderate Republicans have already said they plan to oppose the package, such as Representative Tony Gonzales, who said he is against proposed potential defense budget cuts. Representative Nancy Mace expressed concerns over the lack of information about the “backroom deals” McCarthy made to win.

Here’s a look at some of the most dangerous proposals:

1. Motion to “vacate the chair”

Not only did McCarthy give all his dignity to his most extreme colleagues, he also apparently ceded all his actual power to them too. The California Republican agreed to restore the motion to vacate, which would allow any single member of the House to call for a vote to remove him.

Considering at one point 21 Republicans had blocked his bid for the speaker’s gavel, McCarthy will have the threat of removal hanging over his head throughout his entire tenure as speaker. He will spend his speakership rushing to please the people who finally agreed to put him there, rather than governing. And if he is removed, the House could be stuck in an endless loop of speaker votes, preventing the chamber from accomplishing anything.

2. Rules Committee assignments for the Freedom Caucus

McCarthy also agreed to give three seats on the powerful House Rules Committee to the Freedom Caucus, the far-right coalition. The House Rules Committee has a lot of influence over what bills and amendments make it to the floor. Freedom Caucus members could now block or stall actually useful legislation from ever reaching a vote. Politico called this “the single most significant surrender of leadership power that we’ve seen in decades.”

3. Slashed spending

The new rules will cap the debt ceiling, or the maximum amount of money the U.S. can borrow, to its level from two years ago. If the U.S. government reaches its soon-to-be-lower borrowing limit, it could default on its debt or fail to make a repayment. If that happens, already high prices and inflation could skyrocket, sending the U.S. into a recession.

Defaulting means the government will also be unable to pay military salaries and Social Security benefits. A lower debt ceiling would also mean less funding for programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, SNAP or food stamps, and meal programs for low-income students.

4. The Holman rule

McCarthy also agreed to reinstate the Holman rule, which lets lawmakers propose reductions in federal salaries, in the number of employees at federal agencies, and in the budget for certain programs. Federal pay or budgets can be slashed to $1, effectively defunding programs. Already on the chopping block is the Internal Revenue Service. The agency is chronically understaffed but has also come under fire for its apparent failure to audit former President Donald Trump’s taxes in a timely manner.

5. Gutting federal investigators’ power

McCarthy also agreed to two proposals that would hugely undermine Congress’s credibility. First, one proposal will gut the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent federal watchdog, just as it was considering investigations into lawmakers who defied the January 6 investigative committee and serial fabulist George Santos.

The new rules would reimpose term limits on the OCE’s board members and restrict the window for hiring new staff to the first 30 days of the new congressional session (a week of which has already been wasted by McCarthy’s endless speaker votes). The changes would force out three of four Democratic-appointed board members and would run out the clock on hiring while new ones are approved, leaving the OCE unable to investigate anything.

But McCarthy is on board with investigating the FBI and the Department of Justice. He agreed to a proposed House Judiciary subcommittee to investigate the so-called “weaponization” of the federal government. The group will have access to any information shared with the House Intelligence Committee, which is usually the highest level of classified intelligence.

The subcommittee will supposedly act as a watchdog for ongoing criminal investigations, but an earlier version of the proposal limited the probe’s scope to the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice.

Two ongoing investigations are into rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and into Trump over his removal of classified documents after losing the 2020 election.

7,000 Nurses Go on Strike in New York City

More than 7,000 nurses at two of New York City’s largest hospitals are on strike, demanding better wages and better working conditions.

Striking health care workers hold up signs like "I SAVE LIVES WHO'S GOING TO SAVE MINE?," "ON STRIKE FOR BETTER CARE," and "MORE NURSES = BETTER CARE."
Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Nurses and health care workers during a strike at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York on January 9

Over 7,000 New York City nurses went on strike Monday, protesting poor pay and tough working conditions due to chronic understaffing.

The strikes at the Bronx’s Montefiore Medical Center and one of Manhattan’s Mount Sinai hospitals come after negotiations broke down Sunday evening.

The New York State Nurses Association had warned that workers at all 12 city hospitals with union contracts would go on strike if agreements could not be struck. After the announcement, seven hospitals struck tentative deals, including two late Sunday—but no agreement has been made yet at the two giant hospitals with nurses on strike Monday.

Nurses are disgruntled by staffing shortages, leading to long hours in tough conditions and not enough pay to match such circumstances, in which they are stretched thin trying to care for all their patients.

“Nurses don’t want to strike. Bosses have pushed us to strike by refusing to seriously consider our proposals to address the desperate crisis of unsafe staffing that harms our patients,” the New York State Nurses Association union said in a statement.

“The decision to go on strike is never an easy one, particularly for workers who care so deeply about the patients and communities they serve,” said New York City Central Labor Council AFL-CIO President Vincent Alvarez. “But hospital executives created this crisis by failing to hire, train, and retain nurses while at the same time treating themselves to extravagant compensation packages. Now it’s time for them to fix what they’ve broken.”

About 3,600 U.S. health care workers died in the first year of the pandemic alone. Now, some two and a half years after thousands drummed their pots and pans in support of the essential workers in one of the epicenters of the Covid-19 pandemic, nurses are left striking for better working conditions.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Spread a Conspiracy Theory Just Last Week, Says Her QAnon Days Are Over

The Georgia representative is trying to position herself as a moderate, as Kevin McCarthy finally takes up the mantle as House leader.

Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images

QAnon queen Marjorie Taylor Greene says she has backed away from the sprawling conspiracy theory web, conveniently at the time she is set to hold a decent amount of power in Congress.

In a Sunday interview on Fox News, Greene said she had been “sucked into some things I had seen on the internet,” including QAnon. But, she assured host Howard Kurtz, those beliefs are “so far in the past.”

She also said she never campaigned on QAnon theories because they were “not something I believed in,” a claim on which Kurtz did not press her.

This is, of course, blatantly untrue. Not only was Greene the first open QAnon supporter to be elected to Congress, but she has also wholeheartedly embraced many other conspiracy theories, including that a plane did not crash into the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks; that the 2021 California wildfires were caused by space lasers owned by Jewish people; and that the 2020 election was stolen.

Just last week, she spread a conspiracy theory that Covid-19 vaccines contributed to Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest. She also regularly pushes the old grooming conspiracy theory about LGBTQ people being pedophiles.

Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson told the January 6 investigative committee that Greene discussed the QAnon conspiracy group multiple times with Donald Trump and his then chief of staff Mark Meadows. During one of those conversations, Greene told Meadows that her QAnon supporters would be attending the January 6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, which eventually turned into the Capitol riot.

The only thing that’s different now is that Greene stands to have outsize influence in Congress. She has been a staunch supporter of Kevin McCarthy’s bid for speaker of the House, which he finally won Friday after four days none of us will ever get back and the loss of all his dignity. In the run-up to the vote, Greene urged her colleagues to back McCarthy, causing heated clashes with her former far-right allies in the House.

Moderate Republicans have expressed a desire to work with Democrats to prevent extreme bills from passing. Having now positioned herself as more moderate (than a few months ago), Greene could have a say in those deals.

Top Republicans Remain Silent on the Attack on Brazil’s Democracy

Thousands of supporters of Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s former far-right president, stormed the Congress in an attack that has been compared to January 6. Republicans don’t have much to say about it.

Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy look on with their mouths closed

Thousands of supporters of Jair Bolsanaro, Brazil’s former far-right president, descended upon and invaded several government buildings on Sunday, in an attack on democracy that has been compared to January 6. Officials worldwide have condemned the attack and expressed support for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s government. This includes an array of Democratic officials, from Abigail Spanberger to Jamaal Bowman, starting all the way at the top:

It’s hard to link to all the other statements from Democrats, given how many have spoken out on the frenzied attack. And many are actively expressing their support for Lula as the rightful president, rather than just sharing amorphous defenses of democracy.

Meanwhile, there have been few Republicans speaking out in defense of democracy, or even issuing hodgepodge statements on law and order. Republican leadership has remained completely silent, with no statements from Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy. Donald Trump, who incited our own January 6, 2021, attack, has similarly been quiet.

The few statements from Republicans have come from Representatives George Santos and Brian Fitzpatrick and Senator Rick Scott.

It’s very easy to be cynical, to view Republicans’ general silence in response to a massive coordinated attack on Brazil’s democracy as unsurprising, given how many of them tacitly if not actively supported a similar attack on their own soil just two years ago. Yet it’s worth reaffirming as often and clearly as possible how radically extreme this party is that you can count with one hand how many of its members say they care about the will of the people.

After 15 Tries and Most of His Dignity Gone, Kevin McCarthy Becomes House Speaker

This was the fifth-longest House speaker election in history, with the most votes since before the Civil War.

Kevin McCarthy cheers in the House chamber during the election for speaker, as other representatives look on.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Early Saturday morning, Kevin McCarthy finally crossed the threshold to become speaker of the House. The result comes on the fifth day, in the fifteenth round of voting, of what has become the fifth-longest speaker election in American history, and the longest since before the Civil War.

McCarthy secured 216 votes, with several earlier Republicans defectors instead voting “present” and lowering the number of votes he needed to win. Throughout the week, McCarthy had struggled to eclipse even 200 votes, starting first at 203, before dropping to 202 and even 201 as a group of 19 Republicans continually voted against him, round after round. Meanwhile, Democrats proffered a united front, giving Hakeem Jeffries 212 votes over and over again.

Finally, on Friday afternoon, in the twelfth vote, some movement began to occur as McCarthy continued to cave in to the demands of his defectors. As pressure mounted, just enough Republicans voted late Friday night into Saturday morning to push McCarthy through and secure the speakership that continued to evade him.

But the speakership vote is not even half the battle. If there was this much chaos just to elect the House speaker, imagine what this portends for any other vote or House business. Indeed, further pandemonium may be closer on the horizon than McCarthy was counting on:

If the rules package McCarthy put together to secure the speakership fails after he secures the speakership, there’s no telling what other hurdles may lie ahead. There’s been so much attention placed upon the 19 Republican defectors that McCarthy may have taken for granted the nearly 200 other members of his party, let alone the 212 Democrats, who might have other ideas.

Good luck, Kevin.

More on the Speaker Drama

Here Are the Six Republicans Blocking Kevin McCarthy’s Bid for House Speaker

These Republican holdouts are blocking Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House speaker. He’ll need three of their votes.

Kevin McCarthy speaks with Andy Biggs in the House chamber
Win McNamee/Getty Images
Kevin McCarthy speaks with Andy Biggs in the House chamber.

Kevin McCarthy was denied the House speakership for the thirteenth time Friday, as six Republicans continued to hold out against him.

The California Republican, who has been open about wanting to be speaker, received only 203 votes or fewer during the first 11 rounds of voting. His party holds 222 seats in the House of Representatives, and he needs 218 to win. He’ll need two of the remaining six Republicans to win the speakership.

Although he lost votes over the first three days, 15 previous holdouts finally switched to backing him on Friday, including Byron Donalds, who had been nominated as a long-shot challenger for two days. They all received standing ovations when they voted.

But six Republicans remain staunchly opposed to McCarthy, thwarting him at every round. McCarthy has been projecting confidence that he’ll eventually win, but it has been a grueling run.

Here are the six Republicans who continue to oppose McCarthy’s bid for speakership.

  • Andy Biggs
  • Lauren Boebert
  • Eli Craine
  • Matt Gaetz
  • Bob Good
  • Matt Rosendale

Gaetz and Boebert are among the strongest holdouts, nominating other Republicans for House speaker throughout this ordeal. The momentum on Friday, however, has inspired McCarthy allies.

Here are the 15 Republicans who switched to voting “yes” for McCarthy as speaker.

  • Dan Bishop
  • Josh Brecheen
  • Michael Cloud
  • Andrew Clyde
  • Byron Donalds
  • Paul Gosar
  • Andy Harris
  • Anna Paulina Luna
  • Mary Miller
  • Ralph Norman
  • Andy Ogles
  • Scott Perry
  • Chip Roy
  • Keith Self
  • Victoria Spartz

This post has been updated.

December Jobs Report: Unemployment Rate Is the Lowest in 50 Years

The Labor Department report found that the unemployment rate is 3.468 percent, a level not seen since 1969.

A "We're HIRING" sign, as someone walks by.

The U.S. labor force is starting 2023 on a high note, with unemployment reaching its lowest point in 50 years in December, according to a report released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Nonfarm payrolls added 223,000 jobs in December, bringing the unemployment rate to 3.468 percent, the lowest level since 1969 (albeit by a very slim margin, the third decimal point). Comparatively, the unemployment rate in February 2020—just before the pandemic began in earnest in the United States—was 3.5 percent. In December 2019, the unemployment rate was 3.6 percent.

The sectors that added the most jobs were leisure and hospitality, health care, and construction. Employment in retail held steady, while state education employment declined by 24,000 jobs. University employees have gone on strike in recent months over workplace conditions. One of the biggest demonstrations took place throughout the entire University of California system and saw tens of thousands of academic workers walk out to demand pay increases.

The low unemployment rate isn’t the only piece of good news: The national average gas price, a sore spot for President Joe Biden, has also fallen lower than in January 2022.

National gas prices have dipped lower than they were a year ago. As of Friday, the national average price per gallon was $3.30, according to AAA.

Both the employment gains and the falling gas prices are huge wins for Biden, who has been under fire since he took office for sky-high inflation and unemployment, first due to Covid-19 and then Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Inflation finally seems to be cooling, as well, and the Federal Reserve eased off its massive rate hikes at its December policy-setting meeting. The U.S. central bank is eager to achieve a so-called soft landing, or a decrease in inflation without tipping the economy into a recession.

The fact that the labor market has remained strong overall has caused concerns that the economy has not slowed sufficiently to avoid a downturn, but Dean Baker, the senior economist at the Center for Economic Policy and Research, put the chances of a recession at “less than 50 percent.”

I think the overall picture suggests the economy can keep growing at a healthy pace,” he said of the December jobs report, but that will depend on the Fed maintaining a slower pace with rate hikes.

A Populist Democrat Announces Challenge to Josh Hawley on January 6

Lucas Kunce wants to take on the Missouri Republican who incited rioters on January 6 (and then ran away), and he’s got a powerful new campaign ad.

Lucas Kunce
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

On January 6, 2021, Senator Josh Hawley was caught on camera running from the same incursion he helped cause. Two years later, as Hawley has continued running from culpability for his role in the attack on the Capitol, he now faces his own democratic challenge. Friday morning—January 6, 2023—populist Democratic candidate Lucas Kunce announced his bid to unseat Hawley.

In his announcement, Kunce took Hawley to task for much more than inciting January 6. Hawley was sent to a “fancy prep school” by his “banker daddy,” while Kunce’s family relied on their neighbors “to survive bankruptcy and medical bills.” Hawley joined an elite corporate law firm after graduation, while Kunce joined the Marines. Hawley supported anti-labor “right-to-work” laws, while Kunce posits himself as a committed anti-monopolist. Hawley had initially voted “no” on a bill to ease health care access for veterans exposed to burn pits; Kunce, who had been exposed to burn pits himself, rallied the cause for the bill.

Kunce told The New Republic that the hardships he faced are a large part of why he’s involved in politics. “When my little sister was born and had an open heart surgery, my family went bankrupt. We made it because the people in that neighborhood came by our house, brought us more tuna casseroles than we could eat.”

Kunce first ran for office in 2022, vying to fill Republican Roy Blunt’s vacant seat. In a crowded Democratic primary, Kunce lost to late-entrant and Anheuser-Busch heiress Trudy Busch Valentine, who then went on to lose the general election to Republican Eric Schmitt by 13.5 points. The primary still displayed Kunce’s formidability. Valentine, whose assets were worth as much as $214.7 million, largely self-funded her own $3.4 million campaign. Meanwhile, Kunce fundraised $4.6 million, more than half of which came from donations smaller than $200.

Kunce’s candidacy offers Democrats of all stripes the opportunity to rally behind someone who could truly give Hawley a run for his money (no pun intended). Missouri went for Trump by 15 points in 2020, but Hawley only beat Claire McCaskill by about six points in 2018. Kunce’s résumé and unhesitating will to expose Hawley as the faux-populist he is—and connect him to everything wrong with America—might be enough to make this race a contest.

“Generally, everyday people do the right things. You see that on ballot measures, and neighbors helping each other out,” Kunce said, referring to the success of statewide initiatives to legalize marijuana, reject right-to-work laws, increase the minimum wage, and expand Medicaid. His goal, Kunce said, is to give power back to, and trust, everyday people. “That’s the exact opposite of Josh Hawley—this guy’s all about power for himself. We’re launching on January 6 because it’s a great example of what a fraud he is. When he thought it was gonna bring him power, he’s raising his fist, he’s riling everybody up, and then the second shit gets real and hits the fan, he’s running for the exits.”

What has Kunce been doing while preparing for his Senate run? “I’ve been rereading Lord of the Rings,” he said, reminiscing of his mother taking him to the library as a kid for free entertainment. “Kinda nerdy, but hey, I play Magic: The Gathering, no shame.” He’s also been listening to his country favorites: Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard. “And for TV, I did just watch Wednesday. I thought it was really good.”

This post has been updated.