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The New Republic
The New Republic
Narendra Modi
February 14, 2025
Malcolm Ferguson
Trump Admits He Has No Idea Why Elon Musk Met With India’s Modi
Donald Trump isn’t watching over what Elon Musk is doing—even if that’s meeting with other world leaders.
February 13, 2025
Hafiz Rashid
WTF Was Elon Musk Doing Meeting With India’s Modi?
Elon Musk appeared to have a conversation with India’s prime minister about how to make himself richer.
June 22, 2023
Tori Otten
“Embarrassing Spectacle”: Progressive Dems Boycott Modi’s Congress Speech
“When it comes to standing up for human rights, actions speak louder than words,” the representatives said.
March 29, 2023
Prem Thakker
Biden Kicks Off “Summit for Democracy” With Netanyahu and Modi
What a joke
April 11, 2022
Krithika Varagur
There’s More to Authoritarianism Than Cults of Personality
A study of strongmen misses deeper reasons for democratic collapse.
March 5, 2020
Adam Weinstein
It Can Get So Much Worse
Democracy, human rights, and rule of law are losing globally. But if Trump wins reelection, the game may be up.
August 7, 2019
Siddhartha Deb
India’s Looming Ethno-Nationalist Catastrophe
The decision to revoke Kashmir's special status is part of a ghastly—and popular—agenda for Delhi's hard-right Hindu government.
May 28, 2019
Siddhartha Deb
India’s Chilling Lesson for the Left
Narendra Modi has been reelected. In part, that's because Indian leftists, like American leftists, have been trying to imitate right-wingers rather than countering them.
May 28, 2019
Samuel Earle
Arundhati Roy on India’s Elections: “A Mockery of What Democracy Is Supposed to Be”
The author and activist talks to The New Republic about Narendra Modi, the decimation of India's opposition, and the way forward.
May 2, 2019
Rafia Zakaria
Why Aren’t Women a Bigger Force in Indian Elections?
For the first time, female voters are set to outnumber male voters in the world's largest national election.
April 11, 2019
Rafia Zakaria
India’s Futile War on Open Defecation
As the country heads to the polls, the current prime minister is declaring victory in his "Clean India" campaign. His party still won't acknowledge that the real problem is inequality.
August 13, 2018
Jeet Heer
Trump believes there are nations whose names are pronounced “Nipple” and “Button.”
September 19, 2017
Amar Diwakar
India’s Murderous Turn From Democracy
What the killing of journalist Gauri Lankesh tells us about dissent in the Narendra Modi era.
July 26, 2017
Amar Diwakar
How “Cow Vigilantes” Launched India’s Lynching Epidemic
Narendra Modi is presiding over a new, bloody politics surrounding the consumption of beef—one that could destroy the soul of Indian democracy.
June 8, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
It’s chilling to watch Narendra Modi yuck it up in the U.S. Congress.
May 4, 2016
Siddhartha Deb
The New Face of India Is the Anti-Gandhi
The violence, insecurity, and rage of Narendra Modi.
December 8, 2015
William Lynn
Who’s Most Responsible for Climate Change?
December 1, 2015
Rebecca Leber
India’s aggressive bet on solar is the most important thing it will do on climate.
May 15, 2015
Siddhartha Deb
Those Mythological Men and Their Sacred, Supersonic Flying Temples
What tales of ancient Vedic aircraft tell us about India’s place in the modern world
January 26, 2015
Rebecca Leber
Obama Is Leaving India Without a Landmark Climate Deal
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