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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Environment and Energy
June 14, 2023
Kate Aronoff
We Can’t Have a Green Revolution Without Fixing Our Electric Grid
Our grid is a mess. Its formation could teach us how to fix it.
June 9, 2023
Kate Aronoff
How New York State Could Unlock Billions for Climate Finance
A bill being considered in Albany could fundamentally change the rules for private creditors—and stop them from milking poorer countries for money.
June 9, 2023
Heather Souvaine Horn
My Personal Gas Stove Saga
Improving indoor air quality is harder than it sounds.
June 8, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Smoke Is Fine, Longtime Tobacco and Coal Shill Assures Fox News Viewers
For reasons passing understanding, Steve Milloy has been invited to share his opinion on the East Coast's air quality crisis.
June 7, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Meet the GOP’s Pro–Childhood Asthma Caucus
Congressional Republicans are trying to pass legislation defending gas stoves from regulatory oversight.
June 1, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Exxon CEO Says ESG Is Good, Actually
Has one of the world’s biggest oil and gas drillers gone woke?
May 24, 2023
Kate Aronoff
80 Percent of Shell Shareholders Vote to Let the World Burn
This is why we shouldn’t trust businesses to save the planet.
May 22, 2023
Kate Aronoff
The Republicans’ Debt Ceiling Trap
In exchange for not blowing up the economy, the GOP is asking for expedited pipeline approval, and pretending it will help clean energy as well.
May 19, 2023
Liza Featherstone
Why Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Pretending to Care About Dead Whales
Conservatives’ sudden interest in wildlife conservation is actually just their latest attempt to own the libs. But why are some liberals falling for it?
May 15, 2023
Kate Aronoff
The U.S. Created This Migration Crisis. Here’s How to Fix It.
It doesn’t involve more border patrol. Instead, policymakers need to address climate change and decades of bad U.S. foreign policy.
May 12, 2023
Heather Souvaine Horn
Why Do Republicans Hate Something That Creates Jobs and Saves Consumers Money?
This is your brain on fossil fuels.
May 11, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Republicans Are Truly Losing Their Minds Over ESG
Right-wingers at a House Oversight Committee hearing Tuesday insisted this boring investment strategy is some kind of global conspiracy.
May 9, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Cars Are Deadly Weapons
What happened in Brownsville is yet to be determined. The figures on vehicular fatalities, however, are clear.
May 4, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Green New Deal Advocates Just Won Big in New York. Here’s How They Did It.
Passing the Build Public Renewables Act into the state budget took years of organizing and canny political strategy to build support for public renewable energy generation.
May 4, 2023
Heather Souvaine Horn
Why a Big Climate Victory in New York Matters Everywhere
After two years of last-minute failures, a groundbreaking bill made it into the state budget—providing a blueprint for climate activists in other states.
May 1, 2023
Kate Aronoff
The Fossil Fuel Industry Needs an FDIC
Unlike First Republic Bank, struggling drillers don’t have a government safety net to keep them from passing their crises on to the public.
April 28, 2023
Kate Aronoff
The Chevy Bolt’s Death Is a Bad Sign for Biden’s Climate Plan
A nation of electric SUVs won’t solve our problems.
April 26, 2023
Kate Aronoff
How the EPA Could Call the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Bluff
The agency’s plan to regulate power plant emissions reportedly will lean on a carbon-trapping technology that the industry has been touting—but barely using—for years.
April 21, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Why Republicans Want to Keep Free Money Out of Their Districts
The GOP wants to cut 24 clean energy tax credits—that disproportionately benefit Republican districts.
April 14, 2023
Kate Aronoff
Fossil Fuel Executives Are War Profiteers
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created record profits for fossil fuel companies—and their CEOs.
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