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The New Republic
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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The Soapbox
May 21, 2020
Kim Kelly
The Rise of the 3D-Printed Gun
The pandemic has disrupted supply lines across the country, and people are taking manufacturing into their own hands—including gun owners.
May 20, 2020
Matt Ford
Donald Trump’s Never-Ending War on Numbers
The president has spent most of his career fudging the math, but his outstanding debt to the truth is finally coming due.
May 20, 2020
Jessica M. Goldstein
When Will We Grieve the Covid Dead?
With nearly 90,000 dead and counting, there has been no national remembrance for those we’ve lost to the pandemic.
May 20, 2020
Osita Nwanevu
Workers Deserve to Be Owners, Too
America is ready to embrace a set of bold proposals to give employees more democracy in their workplaces and a just share of the economy.
May 19, 2020
Melissa Gira Grant
Ronan Farrow Is Not a “Resistance” Journalist
Ben Smith’s explosive column in The New York Times seizes on the reporter’s alleged lack of rigor, but mistakes his target for a movement.
May 19, 2020
J.C. Pan
Rebuilding Retirement After the Pandemic
The coronavirus crisis has revealed some enduring flaws in America’s civic immune system. It may have also illuminated a time-honored cure.
May 18, 2020
Libby Watson
The Deranged Civic Religion of the Lockdown Protesters
Furious at being denied their fast food and manicures, the “reopen America” rebels have invented a slew of new constitutional rights.
May 18, 2020
Nick Martin
House Democrats Are Blowing Their Chance at Student Debt Relief
The longer Congress refuses to address the student loan crisis, the worse it will get.
May 16, 2020
Zoé Samudzi
White Witness and the Contemporary Lynching
The belief that passive viewership can translate into structural justice is an idea as misguided as it is old.
May 15, 2020
Libby Watson
Jared Kushner Is a National Disaster
The popular perception of Trump’s son-in-law is that he’s a foppish nepotism hire, but he has a plan to enrich himself at your expense.
May 15, 2020
Alex Shephard
Obamagate Is the Ultimate Republican Non-Scandal
Donald Trump says his predecessor committed the “greatest crime in American political history.” So why can’t he explain what it is?
May 15, 2020
Matt Ford
Rebuilding the Constitution
American democracy is broken. Here’s how to fix it.
May 15, 2020
J.C. Pan
America’s Eternal Stockholm Syndrome
The right-wing fixation with Sweden’s coronavirus response is the latest example of the Nordic countries’ hold on our political imagination.
May 14, 2020
Laura Weiss
Trump’s Deportation Flights Are Inflaming the Pandemic
After baselessly accusing migrants of bringing coronavirus to the U.S., the administration is endangering the lives of infected detainees.
May 14, 2020
Osita Nwanevu
The Coronavirus and the Republican War on Knowledge
Despite Anthony Fauci’s best efforts, conservatives will stake an untold number of American lives on the all-in wager that ignorance is bliss.
May 14, 2020
Audrey Clare Farley
The Nonprofit Grifters Who Want a Cut of the Coronavirus Bailout
After years of undermining health policy to aid their Big Pharma patrons, patient advocacy groups are making claims to federal pandemic relief.
May 13, 2020
Libby Watson
It Will Be Needlessly Hard to Get a Coronavirus Vaccination in the U.S.
A health care system designed to rake profits for an elite few is ill-suited to carrying out a nationwide herd immunity project.
May 13, 2020
Nick Martin
The Pandemic That Changed Everything Changed Nothing
In a global health crisis, political déjà vu becomes deadlier.
May 13, 2020
Talmon Joseph Smith
The Deficit Hawks Are Circling Their Old Roosts
America may emerge from the coronavirus pandemic straight into a hot war over the future of the economy.
May 13, 2020
Annie Abrams
A Privatization Fever Dream for Post-Crisis Public Education
Millions of students are now learning from home, and pro-charter, anti-teacher forces are trying to seize the moment.
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