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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The Conversation
April 1, 2016
Joseph P. Laycock
Why So Many Americans Think They’re #Blessed
And how it makes life (and death) harder for everyone.
March 31, 2016
Adam G. Klein
How Anonymous Hacked Donald Trump
Can hacktivism bring down The Donald?
March 29, 2016
Charles Hankla
Can Free Trade Survive the Rise of the ‘New Right’?
Why nearly all the presidential candidates are against it
March 28, 2016
David Arbesú
Could the Language Barrier Actually Fall Within the Next 10 Years?
Even with improvements in translation technology, there are still significant hurdles.
March 25, 2016
Miguel Altieri
Cuba’s Sustainable Agriculture at Risk After U.S.-Cuba Relations Thaw
How Cuba's farming could become overly industrialized.
March 24, 2016
Russell Dean Covey
How the Death Penalty Keeps Innocent People in Prison
Another reason to abolish this archaic punishment.
March 23, 2016
Frederic Lemieux
Who Is at Risk for Radicalization?
Examining the demographics that are most vulnerable.
March 22, 2016
Benjamin I. Cook
Global Warming Is Pushing Wine Harvests Earlier
It's not necessarily a good thing.
March 21, 2016
William A. Messina
Brian Gendreau
Is Cuba Ready for Change?
A look at Obama's historic visit and the history that preceded it.
March 18, 2016
Clay Calvert
Does the First Amendment Protect People Who Film the Police?
It depends on who you ask.
March 17, 2016
John DeCicco
Will Cheap Gas at the Pump Stall Progress on Car Emissions?
As oil prices go down, so does concern for the environment.
March 16, 2016
Marta González
Antonio Lima
You’re Causing Traffic Jams By Not Driving the Optimal Route
Yes, you. Here's why you should listen to our benevolent GPS overlords.
March 15, 2016
David Stebenne
The Last Time an Outsider Crashed the GOP
Trump is not the first media-savvy outsider to win the GOP nomination.
March 14, 2016
Alan Auerbach
Laurence J. Kotlikoff
We’ve Been Measuring Inequality Wrong
Here's the real story.
March 11, 2016
Charles Gardner Geyh
The Supreme Court Is Losing Its Luster
The politicization of the court has sullied its reputation.
March 10, 2016
Jonathan M. Metzl
Are Looser Gun Laws Changing the Social Fabric of Missouri?
How the state went from having some of the strictest gun laws in the country to having hardly any at all.
March 9, 2016
Jennifer Mercieca
How Donald Trump Gets Away With Saying Things Other Candidates Can’t
The rhetorical tool behind his most outrageous statements.
March 1, 2016
Justin Buchler
Are “Extremist” Candidates Electable?
How polarizing candidates like Trump and Sanders could make it to the White House.
February 29, 2016
James Hetrick
Leap Day: Fixing the Faults in Our Stars
How we came up with this bizarre system, and why we need it.
February 26, 2016
Rahul Telang
How the Government Made the iPhone Hack-Proof
Long before the FBI asked Apple to hack their own phones, the government pushed tech companies to strengthen security.
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