Richard Nixon
September 30, 1991
Black and Right
December 31, 1989
Why I Am For Humphrey
October 31, 1988
September 7, 1987
Going to Extremes
March 9, 1987
Promises, Promises
October 14, 1985
The Wright Stuff
July 8, 1985
Addiction à L.A. Mode
May 28, 1984
The Decline of Oratory
July 18, 1983
October 4, 1980
September 20, 1980
The Light in the East
July 31, 1976
Being Presidential
July 19, 1975
Mrs. Gandhi's Watergate
April 12, 1975
Half Lesson
February 22, 1975
October 26, 1974
Money and Politics