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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Joe Biden
September 5, 2019
Nick Martin
A Seven-Hour Case for a Real Climate Debate
CNN's town hall on climate change was a good show. But it wasn't what the presidential race needs.
September 3, 2019
Alex Shephard
Leave Elizabeth Warren Alone
The media are chumming the waters for a takedown of the senator in the next Democratic debate. The candidates shouldn't take the bait.
August 23, 2019
Alex Shephard
Is the Biden Bubble About to Burst?
The Democrat still shines in most polls, but as a Trump loss grows more likely, the former V.P.'s "electability" pitch is losing its luster.
August 6, 2019
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
The Destructive Politics of White Amnesia
Joe Biden set the stage for Donald Trump's racial scapegoating. Why can't he admit that he was wrong?
August 1, 2019
Matt Ford
Status Quo Joe
Biden seems to believe that everything in America was rosy until Trump took office, and he's offering himself as a time machine.
July 24, 2019
Matt Ford
Biden’s Big, Obvious Ideas for Criminal-Justice Reform
He and several other candidates have issued plans that appear ambitious only because America's system is so broken.
July 19, 2019
Alex Shephard
Biden’s Pitch to Voters: Dream Small
Running as the inheritor of Obama's legacy, the former vice president offers a health care plan that lacks audacity and offers little hope.
July 16, 2019
Alex Shephard
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Joe Biden hoped to guard his frontrunner status and stay above the 2020 campaign fray. Now he'll have to run to keep up with the pack.
July 9, 2019
Alex Shephard
What Does Big Tech Want From Buttigieg?
The 2020 presidential candidate raised a mountain of money last quarter, and a lot of it came from Silicon Valley.
July 2, 2019
Alex Shephard
How Old Is Too Old to Be President?
With three septuagenarian Democrats vying to take on the 73-year-old Trump, age is more than just a number.
July 1, 2019
Alex Shephard
What Kamala Harris Didn’t Say
From her role in a California prison labor debate to her prosecutions of sex workers, the 2020 presidential hopeful has a past of her own to defend.
June 28, 2019
Alex Shephard
Biden’s Big Night Belonged to Others
With a series of widely recognized stumbles in the Miami debate, did the former V.P. just become the former frontrunner?
June 28, 2019
Walter Shapiro
Joe Biden: Bruised Over Busing, But Still Standing
Kamala Harris landed a skilled body blow on the former vice president Thursday night, but it wasn't enough to take him out for good.
June 28, 2019
Alex Shephard
Kamala Harris just took Joe Biden to school.
June 28, 2019
Alex Shephard
Will anyone be brave enough to try to take down Joe Biden?
June 26, 2019
Alex Shephard
Give Democrats a Chance to Get Serious in Their First Debates
So much to talk about, so many to say it, so little time—and undoubtedly too much Chuck Todd.
June 21, 2019
Alex Shephard
Joe Biden’s Soft Center
With every course correction, the 2020 front-runner reminds voters that beneath the polished image lies a politician searching for a sweet spot.
June 20, 2019
Matt Ford
Joe Biden’s Racial Dog Whistle
Why does he think Republicans will work with him after they obstructed Obama for eight years? His praise of a segregationist offers a clue.
June 20, 2019
Alex Pareene
Give War a Chance
In search of the Democratic Party's fighting spirit
June 20, 2019
Alex Shephard
America, We Need to Talk
In a rebuttal to Mitch McConnell—and possibly Joe Biden—Ta-Nehisi Coates helped House Democrats start a conversation on slavery, racism, and reparations.
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