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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Department of State
January 28, 2020
David Adler
Daniel Bessner
To End Forever War, End the Dollar’s Global Dominance
In its laser focus on military restraint, the present debate about endless war overlooks the financial architecture of U.S. empire.
January 6, 2020
Adam Weinstein
Mike Pompeo Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World Right Now
The Soleimani assassination and its aftermath suggest that America's top diplomat is really the viceroy of its national security establishment.
June 18, 2019
Adam Weinstein
Who Is Actually Running the U.S. Military’s Iran Efforts?
As tensions rise, an unprecedented military briefing by a hawkish secretary of state throws the chain of command into doubt.
June 14, 2019
Kathryn Joyce
The Man Behind the State Department’s New “Natural Law” Focus
Robert George, longtime religious zealot and onetime Never Trumper, has reached the halls of Foggy Bottom.
June 13, 2019
Alexis Papazoglou
The Sneaky Politics of “Natural Law”
The State Department wants to present its new human rights project as empirical and historical. But "natural law" is as political as anything else.
March 25, 2019
Kathryn Joyce
The Christianization of U.S. Foreign Policy
Behind President Trump's Twitter theatrics, there's a growing theme to American diplomacy.
November 28, 2017
Kimberly Marten
Digital Détente
The case for cyber peace with Russia
May 19, 2017
Daniel Benaim
What We Know About Donald Trump’s Middle East Policy
He faces numerous possible pitfalls in his first official trip to the region—as well as opportunities.
April 24, 2017
Brian Beutler
Donald Trump is using taxpayer dollars to enrich himself while asking Congress to fund his government.
January 26, 2017
Brian Beutler
How much could institutional memory possibly matter to the conduct of superpower diplomacy?
July 22, 2016
Steven Cohen
There is still no end in sight for Barack Obama’s other, other war.
February 9, 2016
Michelle Legro
Kim Kardashian is still better at Twitter than ISIS, says the State Department.
January 29, 2016
Gwyneth Kelly
Twenty-two of Hillary Clinton’s emails have been classified as top secret, but her campaign wants you to see them anyways.
December 28, 2015
Sasha Belenky
The State Department very diplomatically counts “bringing peace, security” to Syria as a 2015 win.
November 23, 2015
Ryan Kearney
Don't travel anywhere for the next three months, basically.
March 25, 2013
Elizabeth D. Samet
Bureaucratic Warriors
Is Foreign Policy Any Different When It's Crafted by Veterans?
December 5, 2012
Eliza Gray
Bradley Manning Gets No Love From The New York Times
November 26, 2012
Eric Trager
Shame on Anyone Who Ever Thought Mohammad Morsi Was a Moderate
November 16, 2012
Julia Ioffe
His Russian Lawyer Dead, A Former American Turns to Congress for Revenge
November 2, 2012
Jonathan Schanzer
Did Israel and the U.S. Just Cooperate on a Dry-Run for an Iran Intervention?
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