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The New Republic
The New Republic
Graham Vyse
Graham Vyse is a former staff writer at
The New Republic
All Articles
July 13, 2017
Graham Vyse
Liberals Can’t Ignore the Right’s Hatred for Academia
A majority of Republicans think colleges and universities are bad for the country. That has consequences for all Americans.
July 10, 2017
Graham Vyse
How to Sell “Medicare for All” to All Americans
Democrats increasingly support a single-payer health care system—and Republicans are already on the attack. Let the messaging wars begin.
June 30, 2017
Graham Vyse
Republicans governors are joining the Trump resistance.
June 30, 2017
Graham Vyse
Trump Desperately Wants a “Win.” That’s Why He Should Reject Obamacare Repeal.
The president is torn between destroying Obama’s legacy and helping the “forgotten men and women” of America. The smart decision is clear.
June 28, 2017
Graham Vyse
Democrats Are Warning That Trumpcare Will Kill People. Is It Convincing?
June 26, 2017
Graham Vyse
Medical and elderly groups are horrified by Trumpcare.
June 26, 2017
Graham Vyse
Can Journalists Live Without Twitter?
As the social-media platform's struggles continue, we asked reporters and editors to imagine a world free of 140-character limits. They responded with equal parts horror and wonderment.
June 23, 2017
Graham Vyse
This lone Republican senator opposes Trumpcare for the same reasons Democrats do.
June 22, 2017
Graham Vyse
Bernie Sanders is keeping his eye on the ball.
June 22, 2017
Graham Vyse
Do the Democrats Know How to Win Anymore?
Rahm Emanuel says the party should apply his 2006 playbook to next year's midterms. Progressives say Jon Ossoff's loss in Georgia proves that centrist candidates won't win. This debate won't end until November 6, 2018.
June 21, 2017
Graham Vyse
Democrats can compete almost anywhere.
June 16, 2017
Graham Vyse
Trump is making Mike Pence’s terrible job even worse.
June 15, 2017
Graham Vyse
The New York Times
had two embarrassing takes on the Alexandria shooting.
June 14, 2017
Graham Vyse
Trump and Paul Ryan responded appropriately to today’s shooting. Some of their GOP colleagues did not.
June 14, 2017
Alex Shephard
Graham Vyse
In Virginia, Democrats Win and Republicans Lose
The state's gubernatorial primary races show that the momentum is all with the Democrats.
June 13, 2017
Graham Vyse
Bernie Sanders’s Army Is Not the Democratic Base
The party's most reliable voters are older black women. So why do some journalists suggest otherwise?
June 12, 2017
Graham Vyse
Donald Trump is going to need more lawyers.
June 12, 2017
Graham Vyse
The Enduring Mystery of Jon Ossoff
Some call the Georgia Democrat "a moderate Republican." Others say he's a serious progressive dressed up as a centrist. One thing's for sure: Ossoff has become a Rorschach test for a desperate, divided party.
June 9, 2017
Graham Vyse
Jon Ossoff is proving his doubters wrong.
June 7, 2017
Graham Vyse
The Washington Post
’s Ralph Northam endorsement makes a great case—for Tom Perriello.
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