RFK Jr. Takes Trump Corruption to Next Level With Vaccine Pledge
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is openly vowing to make money off vaccine lawsuits if confirmed as the next HHS secretary.

The Trump administration is already parading its corruption in all of our faces.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has disclosed that even if he’s confirmed as health secretary, he will continue to collect payment from the law firm suing the pharmaceutical company Merck over its HPV vaccine—which Kennedy incorrectly believes is a “dangerous and defective” vaccine that causes cancer in children.
This means that Kennedy would be making money off an anti-vaccine lawsuit while having direct control of the nation’s vaccine policy.
“Pursuant to the referral agreement, I am entitled to receive 10% of fees awarded in contingency fee cases referred to the firm,” wrote Kennedy in a signed ethics agreement. “I am not trying these cases, I am not an attorney of record for the cases, and I will not provide representational services in connection with the cases during my appointment to the position of Secretary.”
Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts called RFK Jr.’s fee collections “outrageous conflicts of interest that endanger public health.”
“This disclosure shows that R.F.K. Jr. made millions off of peddling dangerous anti-vaccine conspiracies,” Warren said. “Even worse, if he is confirmed, his finances will still be tied to the outcomes of anti-vaccine lawsuits—even as he’d be tasked with regulating them as health secretary.”
The HPV vaccine protects against most cases of cervical cancer. *
* This article has been updated to note the efficacy of the HPV vaccine.