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Fox News Caught Editing Trump’s Nonsensical Answers in Deceptive Video

Fox News has swooped in to help Donald Trump by editing his rambling rants.

Donald Trump looks confused as he speaks at a mic
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Fox News made drastic edits to Donald Trump’s recent Bronx barbershop interview, cutting many of the Republican candidate’s lies and rambling rants.

According to a CNN investigation published Thursday, Fox News cleaned up several of Trump’s weaves and most politically extreme comments during his barbershop talk in New York City over the weekend. An unedited video uploaded to Instagram shows a much less polished performance from the former president, filled with meandering tangents and outright lies that never made it to air.

The Fox News broadcast of the event cut Trump’s comments about “gang members and drug lords” in Aurora, Colorado, and his lies about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. “They just dumped 50,000 people—32,000 migrants from another country—in Springfield, Ohio. They don’t know what to do,” said Trump, greatly exaggerating things. The city estimates somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000 immigrants live in the entire county, not all of whom are Haitian. Those who are Haitian are there through temporary protected status, which means they are in the country legally. But Trump doesn’t care about the facts.

Fox additionally drastically edited Trump’s response to an audience member in the barbershop asking about federal taxes. In the unedited video, Trump can be heard rambling for seven minutes about the Keystone pipeline, tariffs, The Wall Street Journal, and transgender sports, with the audience member generously trying to keep him on track but eventually saying, “I wasn’t able to finish my question.”

The Fox News video just shows what happens in a brief moment after Trump gets shepherded into answering about eliminating federal taxes, cutting out the rest.

Ironically, the Trump team has spent the past month threatening that they’d sue CBS News over Kamala Harris’s 60 Minutes interview if the network doesn’t release the full unedited transcript. This week, Trump’s team threatened to sue the network if it doesn’t comply, despite having little legal basis to do so.

In his critique of Harris’s CBS appearance, Trump wants to blame it on the edit. However, with this new revelation about Fox, he just looks like a hypocrite.

Trump’s Terrifying Threat to Jack Smith Should Be a Huge Warning

Donald Trump has embraced a more dictatorial stance on Jack Smith’s cases against him.

Jack Smith speaks at a podium
Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Donald Trump vowed Thursday to “fire” special counsel Jack Smith on his first day in office, in hopes of washing his hands of the two federal cases against him.

During an interview with conservative radio commentator Hugh Hewitt, Trump said it would be “easy” to remove Smith. “I would fire him within two seconds,” Trump said, according to The Washington Post.  

Smith has overseen two investigations into Trump, one regarding his alleged efforts to overturn the election results in 2020, and another into his alleged mishandling of classified documents.  

The special counsel filed a superseding indictment in the election interference case against Trump in September, amending some of the allegations against Trump with respect to the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity for “official conduct.”

Trump has been accused of illegally attempting to block votes from being counted, and to subvert election results by engaging in conspiracies to defraud the government, obstruct and impede the counting of votes on January 6, and conspire against the right to vote and have one’s vote counted.

Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, tossed out Smith’s 42 felony charges against Trump in his classified documents case, ruling that Smith had been unconstitutionally appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. Smith has since appealed Cannon’s decision.

Earlier this week, Cannon’s name appeared on a list of potential candidates to become Trump’s attorney general. 

If Trump wins the presidential election, he’s promised to fire the person trying to hold him accountable for his alleged crimes, while also making plans to hire the one who helped him get out of trouble. 

Charlie Kirk Hypes Up Trump With Terrifying, Fascist Speech

Donald Trump’s weird, fascist little sidekick said God “hates” Democrats and promoted Christian nationalism.

Charlie Kirk gestures while speaking at a Donald Trump campaign event
Laura Segall/AFP/Getty Images

Right-wing activist Charlie Kirk went full fake fanatic during a campaign event for Donald Trump, attacking Democrats and urging U.S. pastors to break the law.

During the event Wednesday night in Duluth, Georgia, meme-loving fascist Kirk gave the audience a taste of the wildly divisive, incendiary, pseudo-religious rhetoric he’s been trotting out on Trump’s behalf.

“The Democrat Party supports everything that God hates,” Kirk said to cheers. “The Democrat Party is espousing the death of the unborn, the mutilation of our teenage kids, open borders, the destruction of our sovereignty, the elimination of our currency status.

“I believe there is a spiritual battle happening around all of us, but don’t expect a spiritual–uh” he said, appearing to choke on the words. “A spiritual victory, if our own pastors do not engage.

“Right now, this state is a Christian state, I want to see that to continue. But we need the faithful, we need those of you that have influence over your congregation to put pressure on your pastors,” Kirk said, making a call to action.

Kirk then addressed any pastors that might be watching. “I hope you give a Sunday sermon, and you talk about how the Democrat Party believes everything that God hates,” he said.

Kirk’s conservative youth organization, Turning Point USA, has become the centerpiece of an effort by pro-Trump Christian nationalists hoping to motivate religious leaders to violate U.S. tax law by preaching the gospel of Trump. As tax-exempt entities, such as charities and churches, are strictly barred from partaking in political campaign activity, Kirk has previously offered resources to pastors seeking to “challenge the IRS.”

Last month, JD Vance attended a town hall hosted by a virulently misogynist Christian nationalist, who also urges churches to be “courageous” in supporting Trump.

Kirk has previously made similar claims about the Democratic Party, as recently as during the Monday episode of The Charlie Kirk Show.

“Kamala Harris is wired to be repulsed by the name of God. They—she mocks God. Again, everything Democrats love, God hates,” the far-right activist said.

Kirk claimed, “If you’re a Christian that votes to the Democrat Party, you are voting for things that God hates. That’s between you and God.”

The Trump campaign is explicitly working with religious extremists like Kirk to drum up support among Christian voters, who might want to notice that none of the things Kirk listed are things “God hates.” According to the Bible, the only things God doesn’t care for are haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and a man who stirs up dissension among his brothers. I’ll let you decide which presidential ticket that sounds like.

Read more about Christian nationalism:

Michael Flynn’s Stunning Court Testimony Gives Away the Game

Michael Flynn exposed the biggest 2020 election lie in sworn court testimony.

Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn speaks with a microphone in his hand
Dustin Franz/Getty Images

Michael Flynn admitted in a court deposition earlier this year that one of the biggest election fraud claims pushed by Donald Trump and his supporters had no evidence to back it up.

CNN reports that the QAnon devotee and former Trump national security adviser acknowledged under oath in April that he had seen no credible proof to suggest that an executive at Dominion Voting Systems fixed the 2020 election results using the company’s voting machines. This allegation was repeated and pushed by several far-right supporters of Trump in an attempt to claim the election was stolen.

The deposition was part of a lawsuit filed by former Dominion executive Eric Coomer against Flynn’s speaking tour, ReAwaken America, which has been promoting far-right conspiracies including election denial since 2021.

“Have you seen any evidence that you would consider credible, Mr. Flynn, that Eric Coomer played a role in rigging the 2020 presidential election?” Coomer’s attorneys asked Flynn during the deposition.

“I have not, no,” Flynn said. “I don’t really know.” Flynn was asked further about Dominion’s involvement in election fraud, and he claimed to have “seen a lot of evidence” and “read a lot of reports.” But he couldn’t confirm that the so-called evidence was credible.

“Credibility is in the eye of the legal system to determine,” Flynn told the lawyers.

Despite this admission, Flynn still insisted to NewsNation in May that the 2020 election was “filled with fraud,” with “clear evidence” to prove it, but didn’t provide any details when asked. In September, he spoke to Alex Jones about a Marxist plot to steal the election from Trump, and nearly two weeks ago told the audience at a Christian nationalist festival that Trump will unleash the “gates of hell” if he wins the election.

Flynn, who was forced to resign as Trump’s national security adviser after only four weeks at the job and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI twice about conversations with Russian officials, was pardoned by Trump in the final months of his presidency. After that, he became a QAnon conspiracy evangelist and leading election denialist. His admission under oath suggests that he peddled the election lie for his own benefit, and possibly to cozy up to Trump if he returns to the White House.

Tucker Carlson Gives Truly Disturbing Speech About “Daddy” Trump

These are real quotes from a real speech Tucker Carlson gave at a Trump rally.

Tucker Carlson delivers a speech at a lectern. Donald Trump can be seen in the background.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Speaking at a rally on Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson likened Donald Trump to “daddy” and described him coming home angrily to give a “bad little girl” a “vigorous spanking.”

Carlson delivered the disturbing speech at a Turning Point Action rally in Duluth, Georgia, alongside his fellow MAGA acolytes Charlie Kirk, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and others, as well as Donald Trump himself. In his address, Carlson went on a manic rant encouraging his audience, whom he described as “an incredibly gentle and tolerant majority,” to fight back against those whom he sees as “parasitic, useless, violent, nasty, aggressive people,” like Kamala Harris, protesters who tore down Confederate statues, and weirdly, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. But that was the least strange part of his speech.

Carlson then launched into a Freudian soliloquy by listing made-up scenarios of parents being too permissive, as a metaphor for how he sees America. If you allow a baby to smear poop on the walls or a “14-year-old to light a joint at the breakfast table,” or, he continued, “if you allow your hormone-addled 15-year-old daughter to slam the door of her bedroom and give you the finger, you’re going to get more of it.

“There has to be a point at which dad comes home. Yeah, that’s right. Dad comes home. And he’s pissed. Dad is pissed,” said Carlson. “He’s not vengeful. He loves his children. Disobedient as they may be, he loves them. Because they’re his children. They live in his house. But he’s very disappointed in their behavior. And he’s going to have to let them know.” The crowd of thousands went wild for his comparison, chanting “Daddy’s home” as Trump took the stage. Talk about weird. And Carlson, again, didn’t stop there.

“When dad gets home, you know what he says? ‘You’ve been a bad girl. You’ve been a bad little girl, and you’re getting a vigorous spanking right now. And no, it’s not going to hurt me more than it hurts you. No, it’s not. I’m not going to lie. It’s going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me. And you earned this.’”

Twitter screenshot Ari Cohn @AriCohn: The same people who thought a pizza restaurant was trafficking children are basically throwing their panties on stage to Tucker talking about vigorously spanking daddy's bad little girl. Totally normal and not at all fucking weird.
Twitter screenshot Peter Jukes @peterjukes: Jeez. “Daddy’s coming home”. How can we not say this election is also about toxic masculinity and the latent violence of threatened patriarchy?

Twitter screenshot mily Snook @hoopersnook: This is not merely weird. This is creepy, gendered violent, sexualized America as a child imagery, spoken positively of an adjudicated rapist and serial sexual assaulter who publicly sexualizes his own daughter that is so many red flags beyond politics.

Carlson’s speech at the Turning Point rally is not out of the ordinary when it comes to the way MAGA talks about children and women as something you own and can punish. Just last month, Trump creepily promised he will be women’s “protector.” Meanwhile, in states like Missouri and Oklahoma, Republicans have supported corporal punishment in schools, as part of a long evangelical and right-wing obsession with hitting their kids.

This also isn’t the first time that the right has talked about spanking on the main stage. In 2016, Chris Christie threatened Hillary Clinton, promising to “beat her rear end,” and Senator Ted Cruz asked voters to give Clinton “a spanking.” But invoking the image of Trump as “daddy” or as a punishing God and having that message embraced by the frenetic crowd, who also cheered that “Christ is King,” is enough to make any normal person squirm.

Old Man Trump Is So Desperate for a War, He’s Inventing Them Now

Donald Trump made up a war with America’s oldest ally, France.

Donald Trump holds his hands out while speaking at a podium during a campaign event
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Donald Trump made up a fictional war with France Wednesday, and then claimed to have stopped it.

During a speech in Duluth, Georgia, Trump—who previously touted himself a “wartime president” but now lies about how peaceful and safe his time in office was—was bragging about his record when he falsely claimed he really had prevented an international conflict.

“You have no idea what I did in the White House. I stopped wars … with France!” Trump said.

“France, you know the France story? They were gonna charge us, think of this, 25 percent to all Ameri—I have to protect American companies, whether we like ’em or not. Some of ’em I didn’t even like. You know Google is treating us much better, did you notice that? What happened to Google? They’re treating us much better.

“They say McDonald’s was one of the most viewed things that they’ve ever had,” Trump cheered.

While there was obviously no threat of war with France, it’s possible that Trump was referring to a trade skirmish with France from his time in office. Paris passed a digital services tax on large tech companies, including Google, Facebook, and Amazon, in 2019. In response, Trump threatened to place tariffs of up to 100 percent on French goods, such as champagne and luxury bags.

Undeterred, France ordered the tech companies to pay up in 2020. After Joe Biden entered the White House in 2021, he suspended Trump’s plan for retaliatory tariffs against France.

So the “war” Trump stopped wasn’t a war, it was a trade fight. And he didn’t even stop it. If anything, he escalated it.

But this might explain his incoherent weave from France to Google and back to his favorite subject: himself.

Former Model Shares Bombshell on Trump’s “Twisted Game” With Epstein

Stacey Williams has shared a troubling story about Donald Trump just days before the election.

Donald Trump clasps his hands and smiles in front of a large US flag
Win McNamee/Getty Images

A former model is alleging that Donald Trump groped her in 1993 in a “twisted game” between him and Jeffrey Epstein, The Guardian reports.

Stacey Williams first met Trump in 1992 after being introduced to him by Epstein at a Christmas party. The model dated Epstein for a few months after that. The groping incident occurred in the winter or spring of 1993, when Williams and Epstein were on a walk and he suggested they stop by Trump Tower to visit the real estate mogul.

Shortly after they arrived, Williams said that Trump pulled her toward him and started groping her, putting his hands “all over my breasts,” her waist, and her buttocks. She said that she froze, feeling “deeply confused,” and believed she saw Epstein and Trump smiling at each other.

After the incident, she left Trump Tower with Epstein, and she felt that he was angry at her.

“Jeffrey and I left, and he didn’t look at me or speak to me, and I felt this seething rage around me, and when we got down to the sidewalk, he looked at me and just berated me, and said: ‘Why did you let him do that?’” Williams said on a “Survivors for Kamala” Zoom call Monday, which included actress Ashley Judd and law professor Anita Hill, among others. While Williams has shared the story in parts on social media before, she gave specific details on the call.

“He made me feel so disgusting, and I remember being so utterly confused,” Williams added, saying the incident appeared to be part of some “twisted game.”

“I felt shame and disgust and as we went our separate ways, I felt this sensation of revisiting it, while the hands were all over me. And I had this horrible pit in my stomach that it was somehow orchestrated. I felt like a piece of meat,” Williams told The Guardian in an interview. The two broke up shortly after that. Williams said she had no idea about Epstein’s pattern of sexual abuse and pedophilia.

Williams said that she later received, through her agent, a special postcard from Trump in 1993 showing an aerial view of his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, including a handwritten note in his trademark black marker. It read “Stacey—Your home away from home. Love Donald.

Trump’s campaign denied the allegations in a statement, with his press secretary Karoline Leavitt saying, “These accusations, made by a former activist for Barack Obama and announced on a Harris campaign call two weeks before the election, are unequivocally false. It’s obvious this fake story was contrived by the Harris campaign.”

But it fits a pattern of behavior for Trump, an associate of Epstein for many years. At least 26 other women have accused the former president and convicted felon of sexual assault or misconduct. Plus, he was found to have sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll in the mid-1990s in a civil trial last year. With the election in just a few weeks, Trump’s predatory behavior will matter to many of the voters he needs to return to the White House.

MAGA Republican Takes Shocking Stand on U.S. Arms Sales to Israel

Representative Thomas Massie made his opinion clear.

Representative Thomas Massie rests his cheek on his hand during a House committee hearing
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images

Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie has called for the United States to stop funding Israel, as it targets civilian infrastructure in Lebanon.

Massie posted a video on X Wednesday that showed an Israeli missile strike leveling an apartment building in Beirut, Lebanon.

“If Israel insists on destroying civilian targets in Lebanon, let them buy and build their own weapons. American taxpayers should not be funding this,” the Republican lawmaker wrote.

Screenshot of a tweet

The U.S. has spent at least $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since it began its catastrophic military campaign in Gaza after the massacre on October 7.

Massie, a far-right Republican, has been outspoken against America’s unwavering support of Israel’s unchecked military activity in the Middle East, challenging the notion that opposing to pro-Israel policies is a position held solely by those on the far left.

Massie boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress in July, calling it a “war rally.” He openly criticized the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attack ads trying to unseat him. He also voted against censuring Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib over her comments criticizing Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

Israel carried out a series of air strikes Sunday that targeted branches of the Al Qard Al Hassan association, a financial association that Israel claims is helping Hezbollah fund its activities, according to the BBC. The strikes against nonmilitary targets hit civilian areas in Beirut, as well as south and east Lebanon.

Israel has killed at least 1,800 people in Lebanon in the past five weeks, since expanding military operations there.

In the year since launching its military campaign in Gaza, Israel has killed more than 41,000 people and injured more than 96,700, according to ABC News. This week, the Israeli government began a campaign to empty out (ethnically cleanse) northern Gaza, reportedly cutting off supplies and targeting homes, shelters, schools, and hospitals with airstrikes, displacing thousands of civilians.

MAGA’s Latest Defense of Trump’s Hitler Comments Is the Wildest Yet

Representative Mike Waltz has essentially covered his ears and gone, “La la la!”

Representative Mike Waltz presses his hands together while speaking at the podium during the Republican National Convention
Scott Olson/Getty Images

In just a handful of hours, Donald Trump’s MAGA allies have gone from arguing that his recent comments about Hitler were misconstrued to just outright claiming that the whole story was completely made up.

During an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Florida Representative Mike Waltz completely rejected the evidence of his eyes and ears, claiming that the Republican presidential nominee’s comments praising Hitler and expecting undying loyalty from his top commanders were phony.

“It doesn’t make sense to me. I find the timing suspicious,” Waltz said.

“And it just completely is divorced from the man that I’ve come to know in Donald Trump, and how he’s dealt with Gold Star families, how he has been caring, how he’s been compassionate,” Waltz continued, referring to the military status given to families who have lost a loved one during their military service.

The far-right revision comes after Trump’s longest-serving chief of staff, retired military General John Kelly, told The Atlantic that his ex-boss fit the description of a fascist. Kelly recalled a disturbing exchange he had with the former president while he was still in office, in which Trump expressed frustration over a perceived lack of loyalty from the military.

“I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two sources that spoke anonymously with The Atlantic. “People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.”

Another time, while in a frustrated discussion with Kelly, Trump reportedly asked, “Why can’t you be like the German generals?” forgetting that Hitler’s top generals had themselves defied him and made several attempts toward the end of World War II to kill him. Kelly, trying to correct the president, informed him that German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off.”

Kelly recounted that when Trump had raised the matter of “German generals,” he responded by asking, “Do you mean Bismarck’s generals?”

“I mean, I knew he didn’t know who Bismarck was, or about the Franco-Prussian War. I said, ‘Do you mean the kaiser’s generals? Surely you can’t mean Hitler’s generals?’” Kelly told The Atlantic. “And he said, ‘Yeah, yeah, Hitler’s generals.’ I explained to him that Rommel had to commit suicide after taking part in a plot against Hitler.”

But Trump did not know who Rommel was, either.

It’s at least the second time this month that Waltz has rejected the reality of Trump’s rhetoric. Last week, Waltz refused to acknowledge that direct quotes from Trump’s “enemy from within” comments were actually what he said.

“I don’t think that’s what he said, John,” Waltz told CNN host John Berman, before pointing to civil unrest and mass protests during 2020. “I think that’s completely appropriate, the National Guard was rolled out then.… We cannot have, nor should we have, riots in the streets, business owners threatened, and Americans feeling unsafe.”

RFK Jr.’s Ex-Running Mate Exposed for Devious Plot to Kill News Story

Nicole Shanahan tried to pay six figures to get rid of a news story.

Nicole Shanahan speaks at a lectern that reads "Kennedy24."
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, tried to pay a Washington Post reporter a hefty $500,000 to kill a profile she was writing on the Silicon Valley billionaire.

The reporter didn’t respond to the offer, and the Post published its profile of Shanahan Wednesday morning, where the attempted bribe was revealed. Shanahan made the offer in June, texting one of her associates who was contacted by the Post that she would “pay your friend,” referring to the reporter, “half a million dollars to be a whistleblower” and name the sources for the story.

In making the offer, Shanahan claimed that the sources were spreading false information about her. Shanahan would not respond to multiple requests from the Post beginning in April to sit for an interview, and ultimately the newspaper sent her a list of questions. Shanahan answered that she didn’t agree with some of the Post’s reporting but didn’t provide answers to any of the questions. The Post’s story details Shanahan’s evolution from a Democrat to a MAGA star praised by the likes of Tucker Carlson.

“I’m so sorry you feel it is appropriate to do this for political motivations,” Shanahan told the Post. “It’s a very sad state our country is in.”

Kennedy drew headlines when he announced Shanahan as his running mate in March. Many suspected that he chose her due to her wealth and the fact that she was Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s ex-wife. Later revelations showed that she has extreme views on in vitro fertilization and that she shares Kennedy’s opposition to vaccines, using the example of her autistic daughter as proof of their danger.

In August, she and Kennedy dropped their independent presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump, spearheading a “Make America Healthy Again” initiative to back the former president. Such a wealthy benefactor supporting Trump signals that she might be involved in his administration if he wins the election, and doesn’t bode well for public health in America, either. The fact that she tried to bribe a reporter means she shares the former president’s lack of ethics.