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Watch: Trump’s Terrifying Warning Prompts Cheers From His Fans

Donald Trump predicted that the country is “going down.”

Donald Trump gestures as he speaks during a press conference at his Bedminster golf club.
Adam Gray/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s presser Thursday was a scattered assortment of unrelated topics. Despite his campaign’s attempts to rein Trump in and focus his attention on attacking Vice President Kamala Harris’s policies via a narrowly tailored mini-rally, Trump went on an hour-long, mostly unscripted tirade. It was, ultimately, a who’s who of his favorite talking points, including Harris’s alleged “stupidity,” the war in Afghanistan, Covid-19, and migrant crime, with barely any mention made of inflation—or the groceries symbolically propped up inches away from him—for which the entire event was organized.

The new Trump format also attracted an odd variety of attendees. While press conferences typically only attract press, Trump’s Thursday arrangement saw the presence of several curious attendees, including journalists who only lobbed softball questions at the Republican presidential nominee, and another group of people that Trump referred to as “fans” who were overjoyed by some of the darker moments of Trump’s rambling speech.

Responding to a question from a reporter about why “God saved your life” during the assassination attempt, Trump said that “God had something to do with it.” But the back-end of his answer on what he believed God saved him for got a little weirder.

“And maybe it’s, we want to save the world,” Trump continued. “This world is going down. This world is going down.”

That, for whatever reason, elicited a roar from a crowd nearby.

“But I believe that. I believe that. My sons are very good shooters,” Trump expanded, claiming that his sons Eric and Don Jr. were excellent shots who said that the 130-yard distance between Trump and his would-be shooter was akin to a “one-foot putt,” and told their father that a “bad shooter would hit the target almost 100 percent of the time.”

Trump Immediately Derails Press Conference With Weirdest Comments

Donald Trump could not stay on script.

Donald Trump speaks during a press conference at his Bedminster golf club
Adam Gray/Getty Images

Cereal, coffee, milk, and breakfast sausages sat displayed on a table in the 87-degree heat of Bedminster, New Jersey, mere feet away from Donald Trump as he held a press conference at his golf club Thursday, his second in as many weeks. 

More than a prop, the food might have served as a signal to the meandering Republican nominee to stay on the topic du jour: inflation. Instead, the groceries served as a cringeworthy visual cue for those watching, and became increasingly absurd as Trump continually refused to acknowledge them. Try as he might, Trump just couldn’t stay on topic, and took off on a winding rant that repelled structure and meaning.

Despite the fact he began by reading from notes, which sat in a binder in front of him, Trump repeatedly, and for long stretches of time, went off-script into an array of insane claims and random stories. 

Trump made the severely inaccurate claim that Harris was responsible for a California law that allowed for people to rob stores of goods with a total value under $950—of course, the state penal code actually says that a shoplifter will be charged with petty theft for stealing goods worth $950 or less, and grand theft if it’s more. 

He detoured into his typical racist fearmongering about undocumented immigrants, telling a strange story about watching ICE agents beating up “packs” of MS13 “killers.” Trump warned Americans that under Harris, they might get a system where “everybody gets health care,” ranted about windmills ruining “gorgeous fields” and killing birds, and bragged that he was buddies with the head of the Taliban because he’d once allegedly called Trump “your excellency.” 

After nearly an hour of non-stop talking (not to mention, taking no questions from the press) Trump finally gave a nod to the assortment of food behind him, scoffing at the price tags. But he predictably changed the subject back to call Harris “Margaret Thatcher, the liberal version.”

Trump’s allies have become increasingly concerned that the Republican candidate can’t stay on message to save his life. His team has adopted a new strategy, of smaller single-issue events, meant to keep the former president on task—but their first such event, held Wednesday and meant to focus on the economy, predictably descended into chaos.  

Read more about Trump’s campaign strategy:

J.D. Vance Bashed Immigrants With Podcast Host Who Advocated for Rape

There is nothing good about Donald Trump’s running mate.

J.D. Vance
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

J.D. Vance’s 2021 appearance on a podcast episode is drawing some negative attention thanks to the extremist views of its host, as well as Vance’s own comments. 

The podcast, Jack Murphy Live, interviewed Vance before his run for the Senate in Ohio. The host Jack Murphy, whose real name is John Goldman, has a history of expressing abhorrent views on rape and immigration.

In one since-deleted blog post, Murphy wrote that “behind even the most ardent feminist facade is a deep desire to be dominated and even degraded,” adding that “rape is the best therapy for the problem. Feminists need rape.”

In another post from 2017, Murphy wrote about an alleged rape of a 14-year-old Maryland girl by two immigrants from central America and said  “sanctuary cities” were the problem for “defying the federal government” by “welcoming massive numbers of immigrants into their neighborhoods.”

“However, the tragedy of a young girl getting raped in the bathroom at school just might be what turns the attention of limousine liberals from the brainwashing narrative of the Democrats and towards a more sane approach to immigration,” the post read. Later in 2017, the charges were dropped against the immigrants in question.

In 2018, Murphy’s posts got him in trouble with his employer, the D.C. Public Charter School Board, where he was the senior manager of finance, analysis, and strategy, and was placed on administrative leave. He has since denied accusations that he is a white nationalist or part of the extremist “alt-right” movement.

Vance’s comments on Murphy’s podcast also decried what he believed were the negative aspects of immigration.

“You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish, and German immigration right? And that had its problems, its consequences,” Vance told Murphy. “You had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn’t had that before.”

How is Vance going to explain odd, if not xenophobic, comments about white, European immigrants from the early 20th century? Much like his remarks about “childless cat ladies” or his thoughts on “the postmenopausal female,” he’s going to be spending some time trying to put these comments in some kind of context.

Elon Musk’s PAC Shifts Into High Gear to Save Trump From Doom

Elon Musk’s America PAC has officially ramped up spending to help Donald Trump before November.

Elon Musk looks downward while walking in Congress
Samuel Corum/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Elon Musk is pouring his heart and soul (and cold hard cash) into electing Donald Trump this November.

New Federal Election Commission filings on Wednesday show that Musk’s pro-Trump America PAC has ramped up its operations, spending an initial $5.8 million. Most of that money, $3.6 million, has gone toward canvassing and field operations.

The political action committee has thus far raised $8.8 million with donations from Palantir’s Joe Lonsdale and the crypto tycoons the Winklevoss twins. Meanwhile, America PAC is under investigation in North Carolina and Michigan for collecting personal data under the guise of registering voters.

Musk initially seemed to promise a monthly donation of $45 million to the Super PAC, then in July told Jordan Peterson that the rumor “is simply not true.” He did donate to the PAC last month, but the amount will remain unknown until the political action committee’s next quarterly report with the FEC in October. Put another way, we currently know very little about how much Musk is spending to influence the November election.

What we do know, however, is that Musk is sinking time and energy into getting voters to polls for Trump. According to a Wall Street Journal report earlier this week, Musk has been attending hour-long weekly meetings with his America PAC, with the goal of raising turnout for the former president in battleground states and bringing out 800,000 voters to the polls. According to a new FEC rule, campaigns can consult with Super PACs on get-out-the-vote initiatives.

Humiliating New Poll Shows J.D. Vance Is Historically Unpopular

J.D. Vance is even less popular than Sarah Palin.

J.D. Vance touches his forehead while speaking at a Donald Trump campaign rally
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

J.D. Vance is possibly the least popular vice presidential candidate of the twenty-first century.

Directly after Donald Trump first announced Vance as his running mate, the Ohio senator’s net favorability was low, but not by too much. On July 18, three days later, 28.9 percent of voters viewed him unfavorably while 25. 6 percent viewed him favorably, leaving his net favorability at -3.3 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight, which aggregates national polls.

As Vance rose in the public eye, the number of respondents who viewed Vance both negatively and positively has slowly risen. As a result of his botched rollout, which included widespread backlash for his egregiously sexist comments and low-energy speaking events marred by gaffes, Vance’s net favorability dropped even lower.

Vance faced a net favorability of -9.3 percent on Wednesday, with 42.4 percent viewing him unfavorably, and only 33.1 viewing him favorably, according to FiveThirtyEight.

Vance is officially less liked than Sarah Palin, who is widely regarded as one of the least popular vice presidential candidates in recent history, according to ABC News. Palin was initially well liked after her nomination, but as the campaign went on, she saw her unfavorability shoot up by a whopping 20 points. Despite her catastrophic drop in polling, her net favorability was only ever -2 percent, while Tim Kaine’s was -4.

Vance certainly hasn’t seen the kind of flip-flopping Palin experienced, but that’s partially because he was never that well liked in the first place. Palin at least started off with a favorability rating of 47 percent.

Vance’s net favorability was similar to Trump’s on Wednesday, with 53.2 percent viewing the former president unfavorably, and 43 percent viewing him favorably, giving him a net favorability of -9.2 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight.

Meanwhile, Vance’s opponent, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, whose favorability has also dropped, had a net favorability of 4.7 percent on Wednesday.

Florida College Just Took Ron DeSantis’s Book Ban to the Next Level

The New College of Florida, which is run by DeSantis allies, just gutted its library.

People hold protest signs
Octavio Jones/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Students at the New College of Florida protest Governor Ron DeSantis’s education policies in January 2023.

A dumpster overflowing with books was spotted outside the New College of Florida, one of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s pet projects.

The public liberal arts college was throwing out hundreds of books, including texts on LGBTQ+ issues and religious studies. The dumpster was located outside the Jane Bancroft Cook Library on Tuesday, brimming with books from the now-defunct Gender and Diversity Center, reported the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

Students that spoke with the paper said the books were marked with the college’s seal and carried a “discard” label on their spine. Students were also informed by officials that the books could not be donated due to a Florida statute that prevents the donation of books purchased with state funds.

Amy Reid, the faculty chair and a representative on the board of trustees, told the Herald-Tribune that throwing away books is akin to throwing away democracy.

The book dump is just one of many growing pains since DeSantis decided to give the proudly unconventional school a conservative makeover.

Under DeSantis’s supervision, the school has added six sports teams along with new scholarships and laptops. It’s also overhauled the school’s board of trustees, replacing six seats with DeSantis allies, while ousting the college’s president and replacing her with the administration’s former education commissioner, Richard Corcoran. The school has suffered a faculty exodus, the elimination of the college’s diversity office, and the firing of its academic librarian.

What DeSantis once described as a culture of “woke indoctrination” now experiences censorship instead: Student murals have been painted over, and student orientation leaders were no longer allowed to wear pins expressing support for Black Lives Matter or the LGBTQ+ community, reported The New York Times.

The federal Department of Education is also investigating a complaint that the new version of the school discriminated against disabled students, reported CNN. Another federal complaint filed last year claimed that the school’s new leadership discriminated against LGBTQ+ students, effectively driving them out from the campus.

That led to 186 students—or 27 percent of the school—dropping out. Still, the school’s total enrollment was up from the 2022–2023 school year, bringing a record 325 students to the revamped college, according to the New College’s fact book. That may be in part because the school has lowered its standards for admission, reported the Herald-Tribune last year, which cited lower grade-point averages and test scores of incoming students than those of previous classes.

But the problems plaguing the New College are just a sampling of DeSantis’s conservative vision for the future of the state’s education programs. In the last few years, DeSantis has banned classroom discussion of gender and sexuality, gutted DEI programs within the state, and allowed unlimited challenges to which reading texts can be accessed by Florida students.

Many of the books targeted under DeSantis’s signature 2022 legislation dealt with topics such as race, gender, and sexuality, but others were anything but controversial. Some of the challenges have been over cartoon illustrations of naked goblin butts and even the dictionary.

Read more about Florida’s education policy:

Tommy Tuberville Can’t Handle Tim Walz’s Hysterical Coach Burn

The Alabama senator is very mad that Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz made a joke comparing their years as football coach.

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville frowns
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s dig at Tommy Tuberville didn’t go over well with the Alabama senator.

Walz said at a Boston fundraiser Wednesday that “I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people.”

While coaching football at Mankato West High School in Minnesota, Walz won the state championship in 1999. Tuberville coached college football for 21 years, including nine years at Auburn University, where he won an SEC championship after going undefeated in 2004.

On X (formerly Twitter), Tuberville called Walz “an embarrassment to the Coaching profession” in response, and didn’t stop there, hurling several accusations at Walz, from questioning his military career to using the epithet “Tampon Tim.”

Screenshot of a tweet

Tuberville resorting to the lowbrow attacks other conservatives have lobbed at Walz over the past few weeks seems to have proved Walz’s point. Plus, Tuberville’s record hasn’t done him any favors, either. He couldn’t identify the three branches of government in a 2020 interview, and last year he blocked hundreds of military promotions for almost a year to protest reimbursing soldiers traveling out of state for abortions, only to give up and concede defeat.

During that one-man debacle, Tuberville complained about a weaker military, failing to realize that his effort was contributing to the problem, and also lost the respect of his Republican colleagues for his futile effort. He mocked President Biden’s age and walk despite having his own stumble, trip, and fall down some stairs. He has even lied about the details of his own father’s military service in World War II.

In his short political career, Tuberville has already made several blunders, which still haven’t humbled him. Perhaps he should remember the adage, “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

J.D. Vance’s 2020 Black Lives Matter Lie Shows the Threat He Really Is

Donald Trump’s pick for vice president will believe just about anything but the truth.

J.D. Vance speaks at a lectern.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Following the 2020 George Floyd uprising, J.D. Vance peddled an unhinged conspiracy about Black Lives Matter: Amazon funded the protests to burn down its competition.

On Thursday, the Christian Science Monitor reported that in 2021, Vance attended a conference hosted by right-wing think tank the Claremont Institute, where he claimed that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos funded Black Lives Matter to encourage private property destruction during the protests of summer 2020.

“Who benefits most when small businesses on Main Street are destroyed? Who wants to see their competitors unable to deliver goods and services to people, so that you get it delivered in your brown Amazon box? Jeff Bezos,” he declared.

Vance pushed a conspiracy about “woke capital” and called Bezos “one of the largest funders of the Black Lives Matter movement.”

“Woke capital is when companies and businesses are more invested in a movement like BLM than they are in traditional American principles,” said Vance, pushing the far-right’s favorite diversity, equity, and inclusion conspiracy. “If you peel back the onion, what you find is that the businesses that are most connected and most devoted to destroying our values are also benefiting financially from it.”

Amazon did donate $10 million to a range of social justice organizations about two months after the murder of Floyd, but categorizing the megacompany as “one of the largest funders” of the racial justice movement is pure disinformation.

In the speech, Vance also categorized companies supporting abortion rights as corporations being “so desperate for cheap labor that they don’t want people to parent children.”

When asked for comment by the Christian Science Monitor, Vance didn’t back away from the conspiracy. “Jeff Bezos’s companies promoted and donated to Black Lives Matter as BLM protestors destroyed countless brick and mortar businesses across the country—the very businesses that Amazon counts as direct competitors,” a Vance spokesman wrote. “Woke billionaires like Bezos have taken over corporations across the country and turned them against the American people. Senator Vance is absolutely right to call them out and will continue to do so.”

Trump’s Desperate New Hire Confirms His Campaign Is Struggling

Corey Lewandowski is back on Donald Trump’s campaign staff.

Donald Trump watches as Corey Lewandowski speaks at a campaign event
Haiyun Jiang/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s latest hire is proof that the former president is hoping to get the band that first got him to the White House back together.

The Trump campaign has hired Corey Lewandowski, who served as Trump’s campaign manager ahead of the 2016 presidential election, to advise its senior leadership team. Lewandowski will reportedly serve above Trump’s co-campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, amid swirling rumors that the two have become the most vulnerable members of Trump’s team.

Lewandowski was viewed as a fierce defender of Trump’s unorthodox approach to campaigning, according to The New York Times. When Trump was urged to soften his message to appeal to moderates, Lewandowski adopted the motto “Let Trump Be Trump.”

This nonstrategy stands in stark contrast to the current state of the race, in which Trump’s allies have begun urging him to stop making personal attacks against his opponent and stay on message. As such, Lewandowski’s hiring could signal Trump pushing back on his team’s attempts to get him to focus on policy rather than his typical grandstanding.

Lewandowski’s reputation precedes him. In March 2016, Lewandowski was arrested for intentionally grabbing and bruising the arm of a female reporter. He was charged with misdemeanor battery.

The charges were ultimately dropped because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. Trump defended him, telling reporters at the time, “I think it’s a very, very sad day in this country when a man could be destroyed over something like that.”

Trump, whose catchphrase is literally “You’re fired,” claimed that he couldn’t just “discard people.” Lewandowski was fired from the campaign three months later.

While the split was “amicable,” Lewandowski had been subject to several unfavorable headlines and reportedly had a contentious relationship with Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman. Trump later expressed regret about firing his campaign manager.

After the election, Lewandowski went on to lead the pro-Trump Make America Great Again super PAC, but he was ousted from that organization in 2021 after he was accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a Trump donor. Lewandowski has remained an informal Trump adviser.

Lewandowski also co-wrote a book about working on Trump’s campaign, predictably titled Let Trump Be Trump. The New Republic’s Alex Shephard described the book as “repetitive, sycophantic, and self-serving.” It simultaneously painted Lewandowski as the true architect of the Trump campaign’s success in 2016 while remaining effusively complimentary of the wrathful, tantrum-having candidate at its center.

LaCivita and Wiles also announced that Alex Pfeiffer and Alex Bruesewitz, top officials at the MAGA Inc. super PAC, would be joining the Trump team. Earlier this week, the Trump campaign announced that it had hired that super PAC’s leader, Taylor Budowich, who is also a former Trump aide.

The campaign has also brought aboard Tim Murtaugh, who was the communications director on Trump’s failed 2020 reelection campaign.

Read more about Trump’s recent hires:

Team Trump Is Panicking After Its Worst Month Ever

Donald Trump’s campaign seems to be in full panic mode.

Donald Trump speaks at a lectern at Mar-a-Lago
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s campaign advisers may be getting worried.

As the campaign has struggled to land any sort of attack against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, criticism has come inside and outside the campaign from dissatisfied conservatives, and advisers are being forced to downplay dissension within the ranks.

“As President Trump said, he thinks Ms Wiles and Mr LaCivita are doing a phenomenal job and any rumors to the contrary are false and not rooted in reality,” a Trump campaign spokesperson said in a statement to The Guardian regarding the status of campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, who have recently become the subject of a far-right campaign to have Trump fire them.

“This campaign is focused on winning, and anyone not focused on electing President Trump and defeating Kamala Harris is doing nothing but hurting every American. Detractors and lobbyists are waging a destructive battle of rumor and innuendo, and they are well known and will be remembered,” the statement added.

But that’s not likely to quiet detractors, especially with the news Thursday that Corey Lewandowski, a Trump 2016 campaign veteran, will be rejoining the campaign at a level above LaCivita and Wiles. Earlier this month, Trump and his daughter-in-law and Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump met with Kellyanne Conway, a 2016 Trump campaign adviser and later campaign manager, to discuss strategy.

That meeting didn’t go over well inside the current Trump campaign, with advisers seeing Conway as intruding on the campaign and possibly even wishing to take over, according to The Guardian’s sources. While Trump played down the meeting and called out Conway’s Ukraine lobbying and 2023 idea for a 15-week abortion ban, there are still nervous vibes within the campaign.

In 2016, Trump made late changes to his campaign staff and won the election, but in 2020, he did the same and lost. Right now, the former president and convicted felon is having trouble staying on message, worrying Republican lawmakers. He’s also obsessed with recruiting poll watchers and observers, which could hurt the GOP ground game. Will Trump overcome these issues by the time November rolls around?