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Republicans Really Wish Trump Hadn’t Picked J.D. Vance

Some Republican lawmakers worry that Vance won’t help Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris.

J.D. Vance and Donald Trump stand next to each other at a rally
Emily Elconin/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Some Republicans are starting to seriously regret Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance.

It’s been only one week since Vance was nominated at the Republican National Convention, and already his own party members are expressing severe doubts about Trump’s pick. The former president’s allies have acknowledged that nominating Vance was the product of Trump’s absolute certainty that he would be able to defeat Joe Biden in November. While Vance wouldn’t do much for swing voters or independents, he would likely shore up support among Trump’s base.

But ever since Biden passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s new presumptive nominee, Republicans have begun to sour on Vance.

“The road got a lot harder. He was the only pick that wasn’t the safe pick. And I think everyone has now realized that,” one House Republican told Axios Thursday, under the condition of anonymity.

Another House Republican told Axios that Vance “doesn’t add much.”

“And now with Kamala at the top, the capacity to have expanded the map a little bit ... would have been much more beneficial,” the GOP lawmaker said.

It’s not just Republican lawmakers who are feeling buyer’s remorse. A CNN poll found that Vance was the least liked vice presidential nominee for a nonincumbent following his party’s convention since 1980.

Since being nominated last week, Vance has marred the Trump ticket with his awkward jokes about diet soda, sexist comments about “childless cat ladies,” and humiliating rumors about having sex with a couch. Vance has been so embroiled in gaffes, he hasn’t even really gotten to expound on any of his “new right” ideas, such as his phony brand of conservative economic populism, or creepy pronatalism, or terrifying techo-authoritarianism.

Trump’s campaign, however, released a statement doubling down on the former president’s increasingly unpopular pick.

“President Trump is thrilled with the choice he made with Senator Vance, and they are the perfect team to take back the White House,” said campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, according to Axios.

“78-Year-Old Criminal”: Kamala Savagely Roasts Trump’s Newest Meltdown

Kamala Harris has issued the world’s most brutal press release in response to Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris smiles and waves

After Donald Trump’s bizarre attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris in a phone interview on Fox News Thursday morning, her campaign fired back with a blistering response of its own.

The Harris campaign sent out an email minutes later with the subject line “Statement on a 78-year-old criminal’s Fox News appearance,” wondering “is Donald Trump ok?” They called out Trump for “lying and making threats,” praising abortion bans while criticizing mail-in-voting, and being “old and quite weird.”

Kamala Harris press release with the headline: "Statement on a 78-Year-Old Criminal's Fox News Appearance"

The email also notes, “If anyone wants an alternative, Kamala Harris is offering one.”

It’s a quick and snarky response that is sure to land well with Democrats and younger voters. Harris already scored points against Trump when she kicked off her campaign Monday, highlighting her history as a prosecutor against Trump’s legally questionable record. These biting criticisms of Trump seem to have set off his meltdown Thursday.

In the Fox News appearance the email referred to, Trump was not happy about Harris’s Monday speech, calling it “disgusting.”

“They say, ‘Sir, be nice. You just got hit with a bullet. Maybe he’s changed. Be nice,’ and I’d love to be nice, but I’m dealing against real garbage when you hear that,” Trump said. He went on to connect Harris’s criticism to the many legal cases against him.

“When you hear that they’ve weaponized the justice system against me, they’ve indicted me four times. They’ve pushed other lawsuits on. To me, it’s never happened in this country,” Trump ranted. “This is like a third-world country, what they’ve done, a banana republic. Every single court case that I have is pushed on by them.”

If this is how Trump will respond to future attacks from the Harris campaign, it probably won’t do anything beyond the MAGA base. Trump’s complaints about the cases against him didn’t land earlier this year, and they probably won’t pick up steam by including Harris.

The Trump campaign has already resorted to making racist attacks against Harris by calling her a “DEI candidate” and claiming she was soft on crime as a prosecutor. Meanwhile, he keeps making things worse for himself. At a rally Wednesday, he confused Harris with his old opponent Nikki Haley. If Harris can keep landing attacks like this, and Trump keeps making bizarre gaffes, the Democrats could go into Election Day with all of the momentum.

FBI Director Not Convinced Trump Is Telling the Truth on Bullet Injury

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified that it’s not clear whether Donald Trump was hit by a bullet.

Donald Trump smiles with a giant cushion on his right ear
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that it is not clear whether Donald Trump was struck by a bullet during the assassination attempt against him earlier this month.

Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Wray testified about the agency’s investigation into the attempted assassination, expressing uncertainty about the nature of the injury Trump suffered to his ear.

At one point, Republican Representative Kevin Kiley asked, “How close did the assassin’s bullet come to killing President Trump?” Wray responded that he didn’t know the actual distance, but “my understanding is that either [the bullet] or some shrapnel is what grazed his ear.”

Later in the hearing, Wray replied to a question from House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan about where the eight bullets fired by Thomas Crooks went. “With respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear,” Wray again said. However, in affirming that the FBI “accounted for” all of the shots, he added, “I don’t know whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else.”

Over the weekend, Trump told a Michigan crowd, “I took a bullet for democracy.” The same day, Axios reported on a memo, written by Trump’s former White House physician and shared by his campaign, that stated the bullet struck Trump’s ear, coming “less than a quarter of an inch from entering [Trump’s] head” and “produc[ing] a 2 cm wide wound.”

While Wray revealed, among other information, that Crooks researched the killing of JFK and flew a drone over the site prior to his attempt on Trump’s life, his remarks about the basic facts surrounding the former president’s injury show that uncertainty still looms over our understanding of the event.

Wray told the committee, “There’s a whole lot of work underway and still a lot of work to do, and our understanding of what happened and why will continue to evolve.”

J.D. Vance Shredded for Hypocrisy of “Childless Cat Ladies” Comment

Jennifer Aniston was among many people calling out Donald Trump’s running mate for his sexist smear.

J.D Vance gestures as he speaks at a Donald Trump rally
Logan Cyrus/AFP/Getty Images

J.D. Vance is getting slammed for once calling Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, “childless cat ladies,” and all this newfound attention should probably worry him.

During an interview on Fox News’s now-canceled Tucker Carlson Tonight in July 2021, Vance took aim at Democratic politicians.

“We’re effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too,” Vance said.

“And it’s just a basic fact. You look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?”

To be clear, Vance is not objecting to actual childlessness. What he’s essentially saying is that only people who reproduce have a stake in America. While this statement was from years ago, this idea is still deeply embedded in his current campaign, which is built on pronatalism and his own phony brand of economic populism, which places the biological nuclear family at the center.

The clip’s resurfacing has led to an intense online firestorm that has attracted the attention of one high-profile critic, as well as a mob that Vance should truly fear.

Actress Jennifer Aniston took to Instagram to post the clip of Vance’s “childless cat lady” remark, with her own scathing criticism.

“I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of The United States,” Aniston, who rarely makes political statements, wrote. “All I can say is … Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.”

Screenshot from Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram story

Aniston has been open about her struggles to get pregnant, including by trying IVF, but how she has no regrets that it didn’t pan out for her.

In June, Vance voted against legislation that would codify access to in vitro fertilization, a strange position for someone who purports to think of procreation as the barrier to entry for civic engagement.

Meanwhile, Vance has angered one group that should strike fear into the heart of any man: fans of pop singer and monocultural icon Taylor Swift, known as the Swifties.

Screenshot of a tweet

Their beloved icon has proudly touted her cat lady status in the past, and so now, the internet is anticipating his imminent destruction at the hands of her devoted fans.

Screenshot of a tweet

While the deafening far-right noise around Swift has died down a bit since the Super Bowl, she still has the ability to enrage conservatives and amass support around any issue of her choosing. Should she choose to direct her ire against Vance, or voice support for Harris to spite him, one can only imagine the intensity of the backlash that will follow.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who is in contention to be Harris’s vice presidential pick, may have summed it up the best: There are some lines you just don’t cross on the internet.

“My God, they went after ‘cat people,’ good luck with that! Turn on the internet and see what cat people do when you go after ’em,” he said Wednesday night.

J.D. Vance Faces Most Embarrassing Rumor (and Fact-Check) of His Life

Donald Trump’s running mate is being dogged by hilarious rumors he had sex with a couch, in a sign everything is going well for the campaign.

J.D. Vance smiles at a podium
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Now that Senator J.D. Vance is Donald Trump’s running mate, he’s the subject of an internet rumor that he had sex with couch cushions in his younger days.

The rumors were so prevalent that Snopes and the Associated Press both were forced to debunk the tale. As the fact-checkers note, the rumor appears to have originated from an X post on July 15 from user rickrudescalves, who has since protected his account.

Twitter screenshot rthr @rickrudescalves: can't say for sure but he might be the first vp pick to have admitted in a ny times bestseller to fucking an inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions (vance, 𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘺, pp. 179-181) 7:58 PM · Jul 15, 2024 1.8M Views
Twitter screenshot Ben Meiselas @meiselasb He did not have sexual relations with a couch according to the Associated Press. with a screenshot of the AP article: "No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch"

The rumor was that Vance told the story in his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, but, as the AP and Snopes found, there is no such story in the book. That didn’t stop the rumor from spreading across the internet, even being picked up by actress and comedian Kathy Griffin.

Twitter screenshot Kathy Griffin @kathygriffin: I don’t think we should have a couchf*cker as our vice president. That’s just me. Sorry JD. 🤷‍♀️ 11:33 AM · Jul 24, 2024 · 99.8K Views

Curiously, the AP took down its fact-check Thursday morning, spurring internet users to joke about how even the global news outlet can’t confidently rule it was a lie.

While there’s an old expression that “any publicity is good publicity,” Vance probably wants this embarrassing rumor to go away. Unfortunately for him, the subsequent fact-checks have extended its life, and the Trump-Vance campaign may soon have to deal with questions asking about it.

Even if the rumor does eventually go away, there are plenty of other negative stories about Vance that are backed up by facts. The Trump campaign has tried in vain to distance itself from the conservative playbook Project 2025, but Vance happened to write the foreword to a book by the plan’s lead author, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts. He is using his campaign speeches to praise Diet Mountain Dew, and he has a long record of criticizing Trump that is being unearthed every day. Plus, he has ties to tech moguls with disturbing ideas about reordering society.

After President Biden withdrew from the 2024 election and handed the reins to Vice President Kamala Harris earlier this week, the Trump campaign is reportedly second-guessing the decision to bring on Vance as Trump’s running mate. Embarrassing rumors certainly won’t quell these discussions within the campaign. Then again, there are several embarrassing stories of Trump that have been floating around for years.

Kamala Uses Trump’s Favorite Photo Against Him in First Campaign Ad

Kamala Harris isn’t holding back as she launches her campaign against Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris raises her eyebrows and smiles while standing at a podium
Jim Vondruska/Getty Images

The Kamala Harris campaign released its first promotional video Thursday morning, titled “We choose freedom.” And it highlights one of Donald Trump’s favorite photos: his mugshot.

Soundtracked to Beyoncé’s 2016 song “Freedom,” the campaign ad alternates between footage of Harris, her supporters, and B-roll footage, over which the vice president and 2024 candidate says, “In this election we each face a question: What kind of country do we want to live in?”

Cutting to footage of Trump and J.D. Vance, Harris’s voiceover continues, “There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate. But us, we choose something different. We choose freedom.”

It also mentions choosing “a future where … no one is above the law,” at which point the video cuts to Trump’s 2023 Fulton County Jail mug shot—an image the Trump campaign itself has used on its website and merchandise—as well as a flurry of news headlines, timed to the soundtrack’s percussion, about his recent 34 felony convictions.

The video emphasizes a number of other issues one can expect to be key points of Harris’s campaign, including reproductive freedom, gun violence, childhood poverty, and affordable health care.

The ad closes with Harris saying, “We believe in the promise of America, and we’re ready to fight for it. Because when we fight we win.” It echoes themes that Harris, who entered the 2024 race after Biden’s exit just earlier this week, introduced at her first rally on Wednesday, where she said the upcoming election is “a choice between freedom and chaos.”

Watch: Trump Fumbles Big-Time Trying to Attack Kamala Harris

Donald Trump’s latest campaign rally was studded with gaffes.

Donald Trump gestures as he speaks during a campaign rally
Logan Cyrus/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump appeared to confuse Vice President Kamala Harris and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley during a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Wednesday night.

At his first rally since President Joe Biden endorsed Harris for the candidacy, Trump attempted to give his “radical” new opponent his full attention—but he couldn’t seem to muster the specifics necessary to actually attack her policies.

At one point, he appeared to mix her up with another Indian female politician.

“And you know, they’re talking about, he was talking about, she was talking about re—lifting the retirement age,” Trump said. Only, that policy is not part of Harris’s platform. It was a part of Haley’s, though.

The former president worked his way through a few other strange moments onstage Wednesday. At one point, he appeared to forget the word “abortion,” and pivoted to audience participation.

“She’s also a total radical on a word called im-bo—you know this right? A word called what? Abortion,” Trump said.

And of course, the bit that needs no introduction: Trump once again gave a shout-out to his favorite serial killer, while claiming immigrants had entered the country from “prisons, jails, and insane asylums.”

“You know they go crazy when I say ‘the late great Hannibal Lecter.’ They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter, he must be cognitively in trouble,’” Trump said. “No. These are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lamb.

Team Trump Is Begging Him to Take the Threat of Kamala Seriously

A new report reveals that Trump’s allies are getting “nervous” about Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump walking
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s Republican allies are worried that he might be underestimating Vice President Kamala Harris.

According to a report from Rolling Stone, several Republicans, including two right-wing lawmakers, have reached out to the convicted felon and former president to warn him about internal GOP polls that show Harris could make key states that Trump needs a lot more difficult to win. They also told him that assurances from his team that Harris was a weak opponent were wrong and that racist and sexist attacks from the right wing could easily backfire.

The report cites three sources, one of whom told the magazine that “when Joe Biden was in the race, we were headed for a Trump landslide.”

“Now that it’s Kamala’s turn, there are some scenarios that make me nervous,” said the source, who has discussed the issue with Trump.

Before Biden withdrew from the 2024 election and endorsed Harris, Trump was ahead in national and battleground state polls, particularly after Biden’s poor debate performance. Since Biden’s announcement Sunday, though, Trump has raged on Truth Social and Harris has skyrocketed in popularity, raising record amounts of money. Trump’s supporters are openly panicking, making weak attempts at impeaching Harris in the House and resorting to racist attacks.

Will any of that work in the face of growing enthusiasm for Harris from young people? The boost to the Democrats’ flagging fortunes even has the Trump campaign wondering if J.D. Vance was the wrong choice to be Trump’s running mate. Harris already has hit Trump with some smart attacks in the last couple of days, and Trump seems to be scared of debating her. Harris’s next move would be to pick a good running mate of her own, preferably one who won’t alienate her base while still assuring swing voters.

Trump Had an Appalling Idea for His Own Disabled Great-Nephew

Donald Trump’s nephew exposed the former president’s plan in a new book.

Donald Trump raises his fist during a campaign event
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Donald Trump once said that people with severe disabilities were better off dead, according to his nephew’s forthcoming memoir.

In an excerpt from All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way that was published in Time Wednesday, Fred C. Trump III detailed two disgraceful comments made by the former president, one of which was about Fred’s own son William, who was born with a KCNQ2 mutation. As a result, William suffered from infantile spasms, a seizure disorder that affected his physical and cognitive development.

In May 2020, Fred attended a meeting with Trump at the White House alongside several health advocates, as well as Trump’s former Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar and Brett Giroir, the former assistant secretary for health. At first, things were going well.

“The meeting I had assumed would be a quick handshake hello with Donald had turned into a 45-minute discussion in the Oval Office,” Fred wrote. “Donald seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they’d made to care for their profoundly disabled family members, who were constantly in and out of the hospital and living with complex arrays of challenges.”

After the meeting concluded, however, Trump called his nephew back in to speak with him.

“I thought he had been touched by what the doctor and advocates in the meeting had just shared about their journey with their patients and their own family members,” Fred wrote. “But I was wrong.”

He recalled his uncle’s words to him: “‘Those people …’ Donald said, trailing off. ‘The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.’” Fred wrote that he hadn’t known how to respond to the former president’s comment, so he quickly left.

But Trump’s callous, inhuman attitude toward Americans with disabilities did not end there. Fred recounted a later interaction with his uncle, where he had called the former president to ask for help buoying the fund that supported his son’s care.

Fred wrote that his uncle didn’t seem convinced. “‘I don’t know,’ he finally said, letting out a sigh. ‘He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.’

“Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised to hear Donald say that. It wasn’t far off from what he’d said that day in the Oval Office after our meeting with the advocates. Only that time, it was other people’s children who should die. This time, it was my son,” Fred wrote.

This time, Fred hit back, he wrote. “‘No, Donald,’ I said. ‘He does recognize me.’”

Some online have compared Trump’s despicable comments to Hitler, who began systematically exterminating children with physical and mental disabilities.

In his new book, Fred also claimed that his uncle repeatedly used the n-word during a racist tirade over some damage to his Cadillac convertible.

Read more about Fred Trump III’s book:

Netanyahu Greeted by a Ton of Maggots at Watergate Hotel

The Israeli prime minister faced a maggot-filled protest the night before his big speech to Congress.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes a weird face in the sun
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

On the eve of his address to Congress Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got a rude experience during his stay at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Protesters left mealworms and maggots on banquet tables in the hotel, perhaps to bring awareness to maggot infestations afflicting wounded Palestinians in Israel’s brutal war in Gaza. They also set off fire alarms on multiple floors. Activists with the Palestinian Youth Movement and its Washington, D.C.-area chapter took credit for the disruption in a video posted to X and Instagram.

In a statement to The New Republic Wednesday afternoon, the hotel confirmed that an incident took place but refused to comment further because law enforcement is looking into the matter:

We are aware of the social media video circulating on multiple platforms involving The Watergate Hotel and the unfortunate incident that occurred at the property yesterday. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our guests and staff. We took the necessary steps to ensure the property has been sanitized and is now operating as normal. We are cooperating fully with authorities, who are handling the situation. As this is an open case, we are unable to provide any further details at this time.

The effort was part of larger planned protests across the city against Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and address to Congress. On Tuesday, massive protests organized by Jewish Voice for Peace filled the Cannon House Office Building’s rotunda near the Capitol.

Netanyahu isn’t being given the red carpet treatment that he’s been used to on previous D.C. visits. President Joe Biden has pushed his meeting with the Israeli prime minister to Thursday after it was initially up in the air, and Vice President Kamala Harris skipped his congressional address, instead planning to meet with the Israeli prime minister privately. Netanayahu will be meeting with Trump on Friday at the convicted felon’s Mar-a-Lago estate, perhaps trading notes on their legal issues and attempts to control their countries’ judiciaries.

Israel’s brutal war has killed more than 39,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including over 15,000 children. Netanyahu has ignored calls for a cease-fire, which contributed to Biden’s drop in popularity among young people and communities of color. On Tuesday, seven major labor unions joined forces to demand an end to weapons aid to Israel.

None of this affected Netanyahu’s address to Congress, or America’s policies toward his country and the atrocities it continues to wage as its leader is accused of war crimes. What ought to happen is not a protest of insects and maggots but lawmakers standing up to Israel and ending weapons shipments to the country.

More on Netanyahu’s cursed visit to Washington: