“I Am Done”: Sean Hannity Announces He’s Finally Leaving New York
There’s a new Florida Man in town.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has moved to Florida from New York, citing a desire to be in a state with representatives that share his ideologies.
The far-right anchor announced Tuesday that he was already settled in his new home. He had previously recorded his shows out of his home in Long Island and would go to Fox News’s Manhattan headquarters for live shows.
“I’ve been threatening now to do this for quite a while, but we are now beginning our first broadcast from my new home, and that is in the free state of Florida,” Hannity said on his radio show. “I am out. I am done. I am finished.”
“Finally, for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in the state that I’m living in that share my values.”
Florida’s Republican Party controls the state legislature and the governor’s office. This overwhelming amount of power has allowed Governor Ron DeSantis to push through multiple extreme culture-war laws.
Hannity bragged that his new home has “warmer weather, law and order, better education, more freedom, [and] better quality of life.”
The state also has incredibly high insurance premiums as climate change batters the coastline. It has rules restricting everything from what people can wear in public to what books they can read and what bathroom they can use. It has an education system that tries to argue slavery was just a job training program. And DeSantis has antagonized Disney, one of the biggest job creators in the state, setting off a bizarre legal battle.
The move also puts Hannity much closer to Donald Trump. Despite purporting to be a journalist, Hannity appears to be a close adviser and ally to the former president. Hannity appeared onstage at a Trump rally in 2018. Two years later, Hannity helped write one of Trump’s 2020 campaign ads.