The Singapore summit was better than nuclear bluster but otherwise empty. | The New Republic

The Singapore summit was better than nuclear bluster but otherwise empty.

Kevin Lim/The Strait Times/Handout/Getty Images

Part of President Donald Trump’s genius is to create incredibly low expectations for himself and then impress the world by exceeding them. This dynamic was on display in the summit in Singapore where Trump met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Compared to last year, when Trump and Kim were threatening nuclear war, this summit is a vast improvement. It’s obviously better for the United States and North Korea to be talking than to be threatening to destroy each other. Given that North Korea is a nuclear power, normalizing relations might be the best policy choice the United States has.

Still, in terms of actual positive outcomes, the Singapore summit was little more than a vacuous photo op. Expert opinion on the summit emphasizes how little was achieved.

Bruce Klingner is the North Korea expert at the Heritage Foundation:

Lawrence Freedman is emeritus professor of War Studies at King’s College London, and wrote a valuable thread which is worth reading in full:

Equally valuable is the thread by James Acton of the Carnegie Nuclear Policy Program:

Although coming from different points of the political spectrum, all these experts agree that this summit achieved little.