Mike Pence called out Tim Kaine for heaping an “avalanche of insults” that are really just Donald Trump quotes. | The New Republic

Mike Pence called out Tim Kaine for heaping an “avalanche of insults” that are really just Donald Trump quotes.

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Kaine noted that Trump had called women “slobs” and “disgusting,” claimed that African-Americans are “living in hell” and stated that Gonzalo Curiel, a Mexican-American judge, would be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage (Curiel was born in Indiana).

The Trump campaign has used this spin all election—quote Trump back to him and it becomes an “insult-driven” campaign. Take, for example, Clinton’s ad “Mirrors,” which features a bunch of Donald Trump’s misogynist quotes as women and girls look at themselves in the mirror. The thing is, it’s not an insult if you’re just quoting your opponent.