Annals Of Awkward Footage Editing | The New Republic

Annals Of Awkward Footage Editing

Ben Smith catches this fantastic job of editing by Ilario Pantano, a Republican candidate for the House. Pantano is a former Marine, which is obviously a major resume plus. On the other hand, he's also been indicted (but not convicted) for murder. Even worse, he worked for Goldman Sachs.

Time for a rosy bio ad, featuring a news story about him, with a little nip and tuck editing:

Here are the original quotes, with the cuts in brackets:

NBC News Anchor: [His decision to take two lives led to rare criminal charges that could cost him his own life.] Ilario Pantano, described by one superior as having more integrity, dedication and drive than any Marine he's ever met,[now stands charged with murder.]


Ann Curry: You served in Gulf One, you got out, you got a big great job [at Goldman Sachs], a beautiful wife and a kid, then 9/11 happened, you come home, your hair is shaved off, you’re ready to head back into a war zone to help America.