Inside the Security Council | The New Republic

Inside the Security Council

This morning I'm inside the UN Security Council chamber for the special session, chaired by president Obama, on nuclear nonproliferation. Still not sure what to expect, as it's not clear whether anything unexpected might happen and, not unrelated, whether Moamar Qaddafi, whose country is currently a non-permanent Security Council member, will be here. For entertainment's sake, I certainly hope so. Stay tuned.

Update: Early sightings as diplomats and leaders fill the room and schmooze: Sam Nunn, Henry Kissinger, Samantha Power. Still waiting on Obama and the Americans.

More: Joining Kissinger and Nunn are former Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry and former Secretary of State George Schultz. They are the nuclear disarmament A-team.

Also, an involved pre-session chat between Hillary Clinton and UK prime minister Gordon Brown, and his foreign minister David Millibrand. Obama has now arrived with UN Ambassador Susan Rice.

Also here: Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher.

Obama has just taken his seat to chair the meeting. Behind him are Clinton, Rice, national security advisor Jim Jones and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.

More to come in a new item.