Mike Ross, Real Estate Maven | The New Republic

Mike Ross, Real Estate Maven

A good ProPublica investigative article on Blue Dog Democrat Mike Ross's business dealings with a pharmacy chain:

Ross sold the real estate in Prescott, Ark., to USA Drug for $420,000 -- an eye-popping number for real estate in the tiny train and lumber town about 100 miles southwest of Little Rock.

"You can buy half the town for $420,000," said Adam Guthrie, chairman of the county Board of Equalization and the only licensed real estate appraiser in Prescott.

But the $420,000 was just the beginning of what Ross and his pharmacist wife, Holly, made from the sale of Holly's Health Mart. The owner of USA Drug, Stephen L. LaFrance Sr., also paid the Rosses $500,000 to $1 million for the pharmacy's assets and paid Holly Ross another $100,0001 to $250,000 for signing a non-compete agreement. Those numbers, which Ross listed on the financial disclosure reports he files as a member of Congress, bring the total value of the transaction to between $1 million and $1.67 million.

And that's not counting the $2,300 campaign contribution Ross received from LaFrance two weeks after the sale closed.

Who knows, maybe Ross would have "held the [health care] bill hostage"--as he boasted to reporters--just on the merits; he is, after all, a member of the Congressional Community Pharmacy Coalition. But that's one helluva pay-out he and his wife received for Holly's Health Mart.