Rich Lowry Can't Get Any Respect | The New Republic

Rich Lowry Can't Get Any Respect

From Zach Roth over at TPM:

It looks like Rick Lowry of National Review offered the White House his services in doing some positive P.R. on behalf of Rove protege Tim Griffin, who the administration had sought to sought to muscle into the U.S. attorney job in Arkansas as a replacement for the fired Bud Cummins.

In a January 2007 email, White House political director Sara Taylor wrote:

Prior is going after Griffin. He's made this his cause.... We need to find some folks to defend Tim and his credentials, not to mention our policy.

Your thoughts? Rich Lowry offered to help Tim.

The best part? Taylor went on to ask: "Anyone better?"

Shame on the Bush administration: This is no way to treat the help.

--Isaac Chotiner