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Michael Oren, Israel's New Us Ambassador?

As Israeli paper Maariv first reported on Sunday, TNR contributing editor Michael Oren is being considered as a top contender for Israel's ambassador to the US. Oren, who immigrated to Israel from the U.S. in 1979, is the author of most recently of Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to the Present; he is currently a visiting professor at Georgetown University.

I spoke with Oren last night, who denied early reports that he was actually offered the position, but confirmed that he is in the running. After being chosen, he has to be vetted by Israeli intelligence and approved by the Knesset. And perhaps more importantly, he has to withstand scrutiny by the infamously vicious Israeli press, who are already questioning his Zionist cred and touting his supposed ties to the McCain campaign.

In the meantime, be sure to check out Oren's writings on politics and arts for TNR dating back to 2001. Click here for the full archive, or some selections below:

"A Tale Of Two Obamas," July 23, 2008. Oren shares his thoughts on Obama's first trip to Israel, and addresses some inconsistencies in the policy of the then-presidential candidate.

"Jerusalem Dispatch: True Colors," February 14, 2005. From the ground in Jerusalem, Oren reports on the rallies across the country to support the peacemaking efforts of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

"Unfriendly Fire: Why Did Israeli Troops Attack The USS Liberty?" July 23, 2001. Oren examines the controversey surrounding the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the Six Days War.

--Zvika Krieger

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