Wolff Enters Catfight | The New Republic

Wolff Enters Catfight

Will the fun never stop? Vanity Fair's Michael Wolff, possibly the bitchiest media big foot writing today, has upped the ante on the Meghan McCain-Laura Ingraham-Ann Coulter cage match with his latest column, "If You Blog, Is It Better to Be Blonde?" The section aimed directly at the heart of last generation's GOP pundettes:

It’s her spat with Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter, those Bush-era Republican bombshells, that gave her this unexpected platform. The right-wing press, being a promotion machine even more than an ideological machine, has seen in Meghan McCain a perfect target: another blonde—in media terms, the more blondes the better. And Ingraham and Coulter, being the more practiced blondes, obviously saw her as an easy target. They failed, however, to reckon with the fact that she is a younger blonde, hence having the real advantage. (Indeed, that’s just another wrenching change for the Republicans, that its blondes are aging.) And now Meghan, instead of Ann or Laura, has become the most sought-after Republican girl.

Being accused of toxic demagoguery is one thing. Being called yesterday's hottie is quite another.

If I were Wolff, I'd watch my back. Coulter et al's blonde roots may be graying, but they still keep those claws razor sharp.

 --Michelle Cottle