Tnr Marches Into The Final Four | The New Republic

Tnr Marches Into The Final Four

When we last left the TNR March Madness pool, readers Justin Rowinsky, David Crockett, and Andrew Daglas were sitting pretty. How long ago that now seems. TNR web intern Jamie Martin spent some time in both first and second place (he apologized profusely for what he says was a registration error). And then, over the weekend ... Things. Got. Crazy. Unlikely Final Four berths by Villanova and Michigan State put Crockett and Rowinsky in 59th and 30th place, respectively. Deputy web editor Greg Veis dropped to 47th from spot 25, so he might as well hang himself. Commenter Rozenson, formerly 13th, is now 41st.  

Who made good? In a word, Blackton, who jumped from 41st to 14th--and in two words, yours truly, who is now in second place behind Aaron Shannon. (Though Shannon has no chance of winning the tournament, since he picked Pitt.) Jason Fleming and Matthew Tokson are tied for third--with Daglas and Jamie Martin just behind.

Click here for a full list of the current standings, and check back with us as we approach the end of tournament time.

--Barron YoungSmith