Bk Goes Out With A Bang | The New Republic

Bk Goes Out With A Bang

No, not Burger King: Bill Kristol.

As several bloggers have noted, today is his last column for the New York Times. Interestingly, the column is pretty good, and certainly much better than what we've come to expect from his corner of real estate on the editorial page of the nation's greatest and most influential daily newspaper. His point today is a simple one, but it is also correct: 2008 may very well prove to be a "pivot" election -- one that marks the end of twenty-eight years dominated by ideological conservatism and the start of a new era of (responsible, i.e., like FDR, Truman, and Kennedy, not Carter or Clinton) liberalism in power. But whether this turns out to be the case will depend in large measure on whether Obama has a successful presidency. Only in retrospect will we be able to judge whether 2008 was a pivot or (like 1992) a temporary pause in an ongoing era of conservative ideological hegemony.