If You Read Anything About Eric Holder | The New Republic

If You Read Anything About Eric Holder

As TNR wrote in its "Obama List," it looks as if Eric Holder will become the next attorney general. The best Holder reading I've come across is an intimate Washington Post profile from 1991, when he was a newly-minted judge in the D.C. Superior Court. Frankly, it reads like an episode of The Wire. A juicy excerpt:

Comfortable is not the only feeling he inspires. "He's the judge the most lawyers would like to date," says a public defender, a gleam in her eye. Holder even gets mash notes from jurors. He calls them "my little juror groupies." One woman sent a letter in fine cursive script that closed with the assurance that she found him attractive for himself and did not have "black robe fever." Holder, for the record, is quite happily married to Sharon Malone, administrative chief resident in obstetrics at George Washington University Hospital.

 --Barron YoungSmith