The Election's Over, But The Bromance Never Ends | The New Republic

The Election's Over, But The Bromance Never Ends

Word comes from the Obama-Biden transition that Obama and John McCain will have a sit-down in Chicago on Monday. Notably, Lindsay Graham, McCain's favorite riding partner (as Eve memorably established), will be there as a chaperone. Perhaps that's because--unlike the rest of the GOP--he's had such nice things to say about Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who'll also be in attendance.

The last time Graham had to deal with a Democratic president, he tried to impeach him. But that was when Graham was in the House and his mentor was Newt Gingrich; now that he's in the Senate and he's come under the "mavericky" influence of McCain, it'll be interesting to see whether he tries to position himself as a bipartisan dealmaker. McCain and Graham probably won't have much sway with the Senate's GOP caucus, but if the Dems don't make it to 60 seats, those two could play an outsized role. Definitely something to keep an eye on.

--Jason Zengerle