The Opinion On Palin That Matters | The New Republic

The Opinion On Palin That Matters

When John McCain announced that he had chosen a social and economic conservative with absolutely no foreign policy experience as his running mate, there was only one man whose reaction I desperately wanted to hear. That man? You guessed it: Joe Lieberman. You remember the senator from Connecticut. He used to be a Democrat, but now he's an independent who has chosen to support McCain's quest for the presidency. It is not that he agrees with McCain on most issues, but rather that he--Lieberman--does not believe the Democratic party is serious enough about the existential threats facing America. You have probably seen him on television, speaking with gravity and concern about our dangerous world and his erstwhile political party that, alas, left him. He is sober, solemn, weighty, grim, and, most of all, determined. A man who approaches our enemies with more resolve I cannot remember, let alone fathom

So, what does Lieberman have to say about the Palin pick? Via Halperin:

Lieberman called Palin a “bold choice” for McCain that makes a lot of sense. Said if this is a change election, she can help bring about the change that’s needed and Palin is like “opening a door and letting some fresh Alaska air into Washington.”

--Isaac Chotiner