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Chris's Dad, Connecticut Barometer

CNN has just called Connecticut for Obama. One number that immediately jumps out at me: According to CNN's exit polls, Clinton and Obama split the 30 percent of voters who were 60 or older (they got 48 percent a piece). That really bucks the demographic trends we see everywhere else. The only thought that comes to mind is that the Connecticut residents (Connecticucians? Help me out Chris...) who keep a home in Connecticut when they retire are former Wall Street types--relatively affluent and culturally liberal--while working-class Connecticucians retire to Florida.

I'm really just pulling that out of, er, the air, but that's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

Update: I'm kidding, of course, about Connecticucians. But isn't it strange that every other state you can think of has a descriptor based on its state name?

--Noam Scheiber