Super Tuesday Primer: Connecticut | The New Republic

Super Tuesday Primer: Connecticut

The next stop on TNR's Super Tuesday Primer is the lovely state of Connecticut:

"Sandwiched between delegate-rich behemoths Massachusetts and New York, and with a primary that, historically, has been an afterthought, reliably Democratic Connecticut is still adjusting to its newfound influence on the race for the 2008 nomination. Full of Eastern liberals and moderate Republicans, and lacking large urban centers, this state has more diverse interests and geography than the homogeneous and notoriously well-off exurbs of New York City might suggest. This February 5, the state that has traditionally served only as an ATM for presidential hopefuls has become a legitimate battleground in a tight race for delegates to the national convention..."

Click here for your complete Super Tuesday rundown for Connecticut. Check out our Super Tuesday Primer for analysis of new states every day leading up to February 5.

--The Editors