Vegas Voters And Obama's Tech Support | The New Republic

Vegas Voters And Obama's Tech Support

Nevada's Firing Squad [David McGrath Schwartz, Las Vegas Sun]:

"About 100 Nevadans will be sitting in the audience at Cox Pavilion, primed to inject state and Western issues during the second hour of the debate."

Silicon Backers [Eric Kleefeld, Talking Points Memo]:

"Stanford professor Lawrence Lessig, one of the founders of the Creative Commons movement and a leading intellectual and legal proponent of free information and open government, has endorsed Barack Obama."

B-word Blues [Helena Andrews, Politico]:

"On Monday, while campaigning in South Carolina, Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) took this question from an unidentified female supporter in the audience: 'How do we beat the bitch?' "

Border Scuffles [Jonathan Roos, Des Moines Register]:

"[Rudy] Giuliani, addressing reporters at a Council Bluffs restaurant, asserted that the number of illegal immigrants "expanded dramatically" while Romney was governor. "He had more sanctuary cities than just about any other state and did very little about it until the last day or two he was in office, and it never had any impact," Giuliani said.

Courting New Hampshire [Shira Schoenberg, Concord Monitor]:

"The future of the Supreme Court could hang in the balance this presidential election, constitutional law expert Laurence Tribe told voters yesterday while campaigning for Democratic candidate Barack Obama in Concord."

--Dayo Olopade