Fred On Force, Obama's Big Push | The New Republic

Fred On Force, Obama's Big Push

Bigger Guns [Jim Davenport, Associated Press]:

"Fred Thompson called for a million-member military ground force and more funding to equip and care for service members and veterans in a speech Tuesday at a military college in this early presidential primary state." 

A Plant Grows in Iowa [Ari Melber, The Nation]:

"The allegations that Hillary Clinton's campaign planted fake questions at public events has now grown into a major dispute in the Democratic race, drawing pointed attacks from the leading candidates."

What Voters Want [Mike Dorning, Chicago Tribune]:

"Obama campaign manager David Plouffe e-mailed a memo out to reporters a few minutes ago offering the campaign's analysis of the strategic moment and a portrait of the distinctions among candidates that the campaign is attempting to cement in the public mind."

Follow the Money [Jim Rutenberg and David Kirkpatrick, New York Times]:

"Senator John McCain asked his donors on Monday not to send money to independent groups that circumvent campaign finance regulations as they seek to assist his presidential campaign."

--Dayo Olopade