Weekend Update: Obama And Change | The New Republic

Weekend Update: Obama And Change

Man on Top [Kevin Drum, Political Animal]:

"The Telegraph's list of the most influential liberals and conservatives in America is now complete, and the #1 most influential conservative is.....Rudy Giuliani! Surprise!"

Outfoxed [Eric Kleefeld, Talking Points Memo]:

"Fox News is not impressed by Mitt Romney's defiance of their edict against campaigns using Fox footage in campaign ads and Web sites."

GOP Truth or Dare: [Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics]:

"Giuliani and Romney face the same fundamental dilemma. Prior to their campaigns for the presidency, both had staked out issue positions that diverged from the median position in the Republican Party. They have pursued two distinct strategies for solving this problem."


Dissecting Barack [John McCormick, The Swamp]:

"If you haven't already read enough profiles about Sen. Barack Obama, The Atlantic weighs in with one more. At more than 6,300 words, the piece by Andrew Sullivan says the Illinois Democrat is a 'surprisingly uneven campaigner' who also holds the potential of few others."

--Dayo Olopade