As The Resident Obama Skeptic.... | The New Republic

As The Resident Obama Skeptic....

by Daniel Dreznerintended your post to be an Obama endorsement
[M]y guess, say, is that Barack Obama's boyhood years in an Indonesian school might be the equivalent of years of anthropological or ambassadorial presence in Jakarta, that his years at the racially mixed private school in Hawaii count for understanding of racial peace and strife as much or more than five years work at the NAACP, that his years of community work on Chicago's South Side, his subsequent terms in the Illinois and United States Senate, his lecturing at the U. of Chicago Law School close to such men as those of Cass Sunstein, Richard Posner, Douglas Baird, and Richard Epstein have taught him more about dealing with varieties of intellect than a dozen years of diplomatic intercourse in the capitals of Europe, Asia and Africa.
1) We could deposit Obama in the West Bank -- leading him to devise a successful peace plan for the Middle East; 2) We could have Obama be an orderly for a VA hospital and figure out the solution to the health care system in this country; 3) We could let Obama spend some months at Livermore or Los Alamos and maybe he'll work out the kinks to cold fusion.
click here for one small, recent exampleOpen U.Obama is a man of exceptional political talents