Trump to take drive-thru approach to Singapore summit. | The New Republic

Trump to take drive-thru approach to Singapore summit.

Singapore's Ministry of Communications and Information/via Getty Images

The historic summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un hasn’t started yet but the White House is already announcing that it will be a one-day affair:

This is the second truncated summit in a row for Trump. Over the weekend, he attended the G-7 summit in Quebec, where he showed up late and left early. We don’t know yet what the meaning of the quick Singapore summit is, but the G-7 fiasco is not reassuring. Perhaps the best case scenario is that Trump will settle for a quick photo-op and let his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sweat out the details.

When it comes to summits, Trump’s clearly following in the tradition of Groucho Marx singing, “Hello, I Must Be Going.”