It will take the Senate only 10 hours to ram through the worst legislation in living memory. | The New Republic

It will take the Senate only 10 hours to ram through the worst legislation in living memory.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

On Monday night, Chuck Schumer asked Mitch McConnell whether or not the Senate’s Marauder’s Map of a health care bill would be available to the public for more than ten hours before it was brought to a vote. Ten hours. James Franco was stuck under a boulder in that movie 12.7 times longer than that.

Here’s McConnell’s response:

McConnell: I think we’ll have ample opportunity to read and amend the bill.

Schumer: Will it be more than ten hours?

McConnell: I think we’ll have ample opportunity to read and amend the bill.

Schumer: I rest my case

See for yourself:

Democrats are trying to shine a light on the fact that 13 male senators from 10 states are writing a bill in complete secrecy that will take health care away from millions of people. But the bill is still failing to make front page news. McConnell is dodging Schumer’s question because he knows he can get away with it.