The Best Photos From Trump’s First 100 Days | The New Republic

The Best Photos From Trump’s First 100 Days

A picture says exactly seven words: Can you believe this guy is president?

Tomorrow is President Donald Trump’s 100th day in the Oval Office, and perhaps no one has captured the problems of his young administration better than the man himself. Yesterday, Trump told Reuters, “I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.” It’s a pithy summation of how Trump was completely unprepared for his new job.

But even Trump’s own words don’t quite do justice to his signature brand of incompetence. So here is a collection of photos and videos that begs the question the nation has been collectively asking itself for 100 days straight: Can you believe this freaking guy is president?

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

January 20: Ahh, Day One. This is the day that Trump left Melania behind holding the plans to her anti-cyber-bullying campaign, never to be seen again.


January 25: Trump inexplicably sits at a tiny schoolboy desk to sign an executive order to begin construction of The Wall on the Mexican border. He has yet to get Mexico or Congress to pay for it.

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

January 27: Trump meets British Prime Minister Theresa May! He does a totally normal thing and holds her hand while they walk down the stairs.

This was also the day the world learned that Trump has a huge ass.

Andrew Harrer - Pool/Getty Images

February 7: Trump gets a new toy from the sheriffs.

February 10: Trump shakes Japan’s Shinzo Abe’s hand for 19 dang seconds.

Molly Riley-Pool/Getty Images

March 23: Trump plays with trucks while the body that is his health care bill hits the floor.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

March 30: Trump meets the prime minister of Denmark, Lars Lokke Rasmussen. Rasmussen said it was nice to be here,” which we all know is a lie.

March 31: Trump attends his own executive order signing ceremony, but forgets to sign any executive orders.

Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images

April 9: Damn, they were right, Military Trump is so presidential.  

Win McNamee/Getty Images

April 17: Trump pulls off his biggest first 100 days accomplishment—the Easter Egg Roll. 

April 27: Real men hand out copies of their electoral-victory maps to reporters months after the election. 

April 28: Trump pats a Marine.