Paul Ryan doesn’t understand his own definition of freedom. | The New Republic

Paul Ryan doesn’t understand his own definition of freedom.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

In his latest effort to make the Republican case for ending the Affordable Care Act, the speaker of the House tweeted this:

The glaring problem here is the “ability to buy” part. Under the old order, far too many people didn’t have the ability to buy insurance in the first place. Or if they could, they were subjected to lifetime coverage limits, no coverage for pre-existing conditions, and any number of other personal barriers and restrictions.

And since Obamacare’s major accomplishment was to counter those forces, and thus enable people to get health insurance, that in turn opened up whole new areas of personal freedom: the ability to take risks and get new jobs, or start new businesses, and or simply have a sense of security and peace of mind.

So how exactly would it be a victory for “freedom” to pull out the rug from those who can finally buy health insurance?