Grierson & Leitch Episode 52: ‘Split’ and ‘The Third Man’ | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 52: Split and The Third Man

Universal Picture

This week, Tim and Will discuss M. Night Shyamalan’s Split, which is probably his best movie in 15 years and undeniably his first big hit in a while. The surprise twist of this podcast is that there is no twist ending: It turns out everything happened in Philadelphia, there was some sort of supernatural element, and Shyamalan makes a cameo. Afterward, Grierson talks about his time in Park City, Utah, where he is in town for the two-weeks of the Sundance Film Festival. It is sort of cold.

In our Reboot section, we head back to 1949 to discuss Carol Reed’s The Third Man. Don’t be melodramatic. Look down there. Tell us: Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever?

Let us know what you think @griersonleitch or As always, leave us a review on iTunes with the name of a movie you’d like us to review and we’ll discuss it on a later podcast.