The first night of the DNC will be about appeasing the leftists. | The New Republic

The first night of the DNC will be about appeasing the leftists.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The convention proper will be kicked off by the party’s most prominent progressives, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the former with a primetime speaking slot and the latter as the night’s keynote. If the list of speakers doesn’t make the message clear enough, today’s theme is “United Together,” two words that essentially mean the same thing. But with a controversy over the leaked DNC emails showing no signs of abating, uniting together looks like it will be even harder than previously imagined.

Sanders and Warren, two of most outspoken thorns in Hillary Clinton’s side, have seemingly worked past their differences with the presumptive nominee, with each endorsing her over the last two months. Tonight, they will throw their weight behind Clinton and make an appeal for party unity, especially now that Donald Trump is officially the Republican nominee. Sanders will probably also focus on the changes he has made to the Democratic platform, such as a call for a $15 minimum wage.  

Other speakers to look out for tonight include New Jersey’s Senator Cory Booker, First Lady Michelle Obama, and DREAMer activist Astrid Silva.