Day two of the RNC is all about Donald Trump’s amazing business deals—and making a little money on the side. | The New Republic

Day two of the RNC is all about Donald Trump’s amazing business deals—and making a little money on the side.

Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images

The theme is “Make America Work Again,” which is supposedly about fixing the job-killing Obama-conomy, and the schedule features multiple speakers in prime-time slots who worked with Trump business ventures. Take Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White, who has previously expressed his gratitude to Trump for hosting early UFC competitions at the Trump Taj Mahal casino. (White also loves to tweet about kicking people in the nuts.) There’s professional golfer Natalie Gulbis, who appeared on season two of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice. And Trump Winery in Virginia will get a free advertisement with the appearance of Kerry Woolard, the winery’s general manager. She told PBS in March that when Trump mentioned his winery on the campaign trail, wine tastings and online shipments went up about 1,000 percent.

Other speakers include soap opera star Kimberlin Brown, who owns a small avocado farm in California; Ben Carson, who is Trump’s worst surrogate; House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; veep also-ran Chris Christie; and Andy Wist, a small businessman whose previously hidden identity put many journalists through their paces. We’ll also be hearing from two of Trump’s kids, Tiffany and Donald Jr., whose speeches are currently being vetted for any “striking similarities” to Malia and Sasha’s high school essays.