Grierson & Leitch Episode 19: X-Men: Apocalypse, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Midnight Run | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 19: X-Men: Apocalypse, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Midnight Run

20th Century Fox

This week on the podcast, New Republic film critics Tim Grierson and Will Leitch battle it out over X-Men: Apocalypse:  Is the film an unnecessary addition to a well-worn franchise, or is it emotionally grounded enough to elevate it above the rest of the year’s superhero offerings? Grierson and Leitch are in total agreement, however, on the sequel nobody asked for: Alice Through the Looking Glass.

For the Reboot segment, the guys revisit the 1988 mob comedy Midnight Run, starring Robert De Niro. Leave a review of the podcast on iTunes and include the name of a favorite film, the guys might discuss your pick in a future episode.

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