Vicente Fox really likes saying the word “f--king.” | The New Republic

Vicente Fox really likes saying the word “f--king.”

The former Mexican president appeared on Fox Business Network Friday morning and reiterated his opposition to the use of Mexican tax dollars to pay for “that fucking wall” proposed by Donald Trump. Trump demanded an apology following a similar comment yesterday, in an interview with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos. Instead, this time, Fox put a special emphasis on the “fucking.” 

Fox is not the most popular figure in Mexico. His government started the dubious drug war offensive that went on to claim more than 80,000 lives during the administration of his successor, Felipe Calderon, who, for his part, has also insisted that “we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall!” (Mexico’s current President Enrique Peña Nieto has drawn criticism for staying silent on the subject, though yesterday, he did receive an apology from U.S. Vice President Joe Biden for the “rhetoric you’ve heard from competitors for the nomination.”) 

But if Trump cannot claim to represent “the view of the majority of the American people,” as Biden suggested, then in this, at least, Fox probably is speaking for the majority of Mexicans.