Everybody Hates Ted | The New Republic
Mark Peterson/Redux for The New Republic

Everybody Hates Ted

Ted Cruz is so easy to hate that loathing him has become a form of political poetry.

Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. —Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: “wacko-bird,” “abrasive,” “arrogant,” and “creepy” are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone he’s ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, he’s really not your average politician—after all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz.

Did we miss anything? Or have you personally experienced the awfulness of Ted Cruz? Tag us with #everybodyhatested or email: ashephard@newrepublic.com

Stop, you're wrong, you're crazy.
John McCainSenator (R-AZ)
Ted Cruz is frightening.
Mia FarrowActress