Where did Hillary Clinton go? | The New Republic

Where did Hillary Clinton go?

ABC News

When ABC returned from an intermission, Martin O’Malley was there, Bernie Sanders was there, but Hillary was nowhere to be found. In the last debate, Clinton made a joke about it taking longer for women to pee, and it seems like that’s the consensus on what she was doing.

But we don’t really know! So let’s wildly speculate. Some other possibilities: 

  • Checking her emails. 
  • Doing the dances from the “Hotline Bling” video. 
  • High-fiving her staffers.
  • Asking her staffers if its “hillaryclinton.com” or “hillaryclinton.net.”
  • Taking off her blazer, revealing an identical blazer. 
  • Double-dutching jumprope. 
  • Dialing 1-800-FLOWERS and sending bouquets to Newt Gingrich.
  • Trampoline dunking.
  • Making tired jokes about Clint Eastwood’s “empty chair” bit from the 2012 Republican National Convention. 

One thing we do know is that ABC might be in trouble. Networks aren’t supposed to show empty podiums.