TNR Staff: Life on Earth, Life on Mars, and General Butt Naked: Today's TNR Reader | The New Republic

Life on Earth, Life on Mars, and General Butt Naked: Today's TNR Reader

Editor’s Note: We’ll be running the article recommendations of our friends at TNR Reader each afternoon on The Plank, just in time to print out or save for your commute home. Enjoy!

The gods of Autocorrect are impish and fickle. What weird magic turns “Capistrano” into “campus tramp”?

New York Times | 4 min (1,015 words)

NASA’s new rover is busy hunting for life on Mars. But it can also tell us a lot about our own planet’s climate.

Mother Jones | 3 min (634 words)

The warlord General Butt Naked saw an apparition of Jesus and became an evangelical minister. Does redemption comes so easily?

Vanity Fair | 6 min (1,566 words)

Timothy Levitch is the world’s premier avant-garde tour guide. His city tours are performance art. 

The New Yorker | 5 min (1,203 words)