Fiona Apple's Eccentricities, Roald Dahl's Genius, and the Age of Twitter Diplomacy: Today's TNR Reader | The New Republic

Fiona Apple's Eccentricities, Roald Dahl's Genius, and the Age of Twitter Diplomacy: Today's TNR Reader

Editor’s Note: We'll be running the article recommendations of our friends at TNR Reader each afternoon on The Plank, just in time to print out or save for your commute home. Enjoy!

How strange is Fiona Apple? One magazine writer's quest to find out. 

NY Mag| 29 min (7,349 words)

Sentenced to life in prison, Jon Yount became a gifted jailhouse lawyer and a crusader for prisoner rights. This past April, he hanged himself in his cell. How did the system fail?

Dissent | 8 min (2,018 words)

Adults should realize what all children seem to know: Roald Dahl is a true giant of literature.

Los Angeles Review of Books| 8 min (1,907 words)

Hillary Clinton is the first secretary of state to face a unique challenge: conducting diplomacy in the age of Twitter

Foreign Policy | 25 min (6,311 words)